Get all camera media always returns the same image

Hello, I noticed that the "Get all camera media" endpoint always returns the exact same image URLs for frontFacing and for driverFacing respectively within a response, even though the captureTime timestamps change. The URLs are identical. Modifying the endTime (not the startTime) may change the image returned. I think there's something wrong on your end. Potentially, the image corresponding to the acquired image closest to the endTime parameter is the one returned for all timestamp within the startTime-endTime timespan. Sample: ```javascript { "captureTime": "2021-02-22T17:18:04.187Z", "url": " } { "captureTime": "2021-02-22T17:23:05.186Z", "url": " } { "captureTime": "2021-02-22T17:28:05.187Z", "url": " } { "captureTime": "2021-02-22T17:33:05.187Z", "url": " } { "captureTime": "2021-02-22T17:33:59.187Z", "url": " } ``` This output is obtained from the following command line: ```shell curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REDACTED' | jq -r '.data[0].cameras[0].images[] | {captureTime: .captureTime, url: .imageData[] | select(.cameraView == "frontFacing") | .url}' ``` Note: all redacted URLs are identical, which is the issue explained above. Changing the endTime may yield another image ```shell curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REDACTED' | jq -r '.data[0].cameras[0].images[] | {captureTime: .captureTime, url: .imageData[] | select(.cameraView == "frontFacing") | .url}' ``` Additional question: is there a way to request the immediate capture of a new snapshot from the dashcam (front and driver)? This is very important for our use case. If not, what is the capture frequency? Looking at the captureTime timestamps, it's irregular: 5 minutes seems to be the baseline frequency but sometimes it's more frequent. Can snapshots be automatically be taken when engine is turned off? Thank you