Kafka Connector Reference
Review the complete list of supported data entities and data streaming parameters
Supported Data Entities
The Samsara Kafka Connector supports the following data entities in the following categories:
- Asset Location (GPS) and Speed
- Vehicle Diagnostics
- Driver Compliance
- Events
Feedback requested
Samsara plans to support additional data entities over time based on customer feedback. We want to know what additional entities we should prioritize based on your data pipelining objectives and business goals. If you would like to see other data entities supported, please share your feedback with your Samsara representatives.
Asset Readings
GPS and Speed
"asset": {
"externalIds": {
"id": "154924973293665"
"happenedAtTime": "2023-12-19T17:57:21Z",
"location": {
"accuracyMeters": 0,
"geofence": {}
"headingDegrees": 102,
"latitude": 38.253265915,
"longitude": -80.018465004,
"speed": {
"gpsSpeedMetersPerSecond": 43.8
"ecuSpeedMetersPerSecond": 51.2
Vehicle Diagnostics
AUX Inputs
AUX Input Example
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474990577720"
"auxInput1": {
"name": "Boom",
"time": "2020-01-27T07:06:25Z",
"value": true
NFC Card Scan
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474990577720"
"nfcCardScan": {
"card": {
"id": "835063"
Engine Diagnostics
Ambient Air Temp
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"ambientAirTemperatureMilliC": {
"time": "2024-08-28T20:00:40Z",
"value": 736094
Barometric Pressure
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"barometricPressurePa": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:24:24Z",
"value": 7000
Engine Coolant Temp
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"engineCoolantTemperatureMilliC": {
"time": "2024-08-28T20:04:40Z",
"value": 185000
Engine Oil Pressure
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"engineOilPressureKPa": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:24:24Z",
"value": 56
Intake Manifold Temp
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"intakeManifoldTemperatureMilliC": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:24:32Z",
"value": 0
Engine Immobilizer
Immobilizer State
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991956423"
"engineImmobilizer": {
"connected": false,
"state": "ignition_enabled",
"time": "2024-08-20T19:36:47Z"
Engine Metrics
Engine Hours (ECU)
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"obdEngineSeconds": {
"time": "2024-08-28T20:49:49Z",
"value": 22931460
Engine Hours (Synthetic)
Engine Load Percent
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"engineLoadPercent": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:24:24Z",
"value": 50
Engine RPM
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"engineRpm": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:24:24Z",
"value": 6038
Engine States
Engine States
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"engineStates": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:24:32Z",
"value": "Off"
EV Battery Diagnostics
Battery Avg. Temp (EV)
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474990577720"
"evAverageBatteryTemperatureMilliCelsius": {
"time": "2020-01-27T07:06:25Z",
"value": 1000
Battery Charging Current (EV)
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"evChargingCurrentMilliAmp": {
"time": "2024-08-21T19:34:40Z",
"value": 0
Battery Charging Energy (EV)
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991956423"
"batteryMilliVolts": {
"time": "2024-08-27T22:48:47Z",
"value": 9889
Battery Charging Status (EV)
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"evChargingStatus": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:24:32Z",
"value": 0
Battery Charging Voltage (EV)
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"evChargingVoltageMilliVolt": {
"time": "2024-08-21T19:34:40Z",
"value": 0
Battery State of Health (EV)
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"evBatteryStateOfHealthMilliPercent": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:23:46Z",
"value": 98800
Distance Driven (EV)
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"evDistanceDrivenMeters": {
"time": "2024-08-21T19:34:44Z",
"value": 15
Regenerated Energy (EV)
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"evRegeneratedEnergyMicroWh": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:24:32Z",
"value": 761502200000
Battery Voltage (non-EV)
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"batteryMilliVolts": {
"time": "2024-08-28T20:40:38Z",
"value": 11694
Exhaust Measures
DEF Level
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"defLevelMilliPercent": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:23:15Z",
"value": 67200
Fault Codes
Fault Codes
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"faultCodes": {
"canBusType": "CANBUS_CAN1_J1939_9PIN_PINS_C_D",
"j1939": {
"checkEngineLights": {
"emissionsIsOn": true,
"protectIsOn": false,
"stopIsOn": false,
"warningIsOn": false
"diagnosticTroubleCodes": [
"fmiDescription": "Data Drifted High",
"fmiId": 20,
"milStatus": 1,
"occurrenceCount": 100,
"sourceAddressName": "Engine #1",
"spnDescription": "Automatic Gear Shifting Enable Switch",
"spnId": 1666,
"txId": 0
"fmiDescription": "Low—most severe",
"fmiId": 1,
"milStatus": 0,
"occurrenceCount": 50,
"sourceAddressName": "Suspension - Drive Axle #1",
"spnDescription": "Aux Valve 0 Retract Port Measured Flow",
"spnId": 1900,
"txId": 21
"time": "2024-08-21T19:37:12Z"
Fuel Levels
Fuel Levels
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"fuelPercents": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:24:24Z",
"value": 6
Odometer meters (OBD)
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"obdOdometerMeters": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:24:32Z",
"value": 2482355
Odometer meters (GPS)
Seatbelt Statuses
Seatbelt Statuses
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"seatbeltDriver": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:24:32Z",
"value": "Unbuckled"
Speed MPH (ECU)
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"ecuSpeedMph": {
"time": "2024-08-21T22:24:32Z",
"value": 0
Spreader Diagnostics
Spreader Active
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"spreaderActive": {
"time": "2024-08-15T20:07:16Z",
"value": "On"
Spreader Air Temp
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"spreaderAirTemp": {
"time": "2024-08-16T19:42:02Z",
"value": 0
Spreader Blast State
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"spreaderBlastState": {
"time": "2024-08-16T19:42:03Z",
"value": "Off"
Spreader Granular Name
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"spreaderGranularRate": {
"time": "2024-08-16T19:42:03Z",
"value": 0
Spreader Liquid Name
Spreader Liquid Rate
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"spreaderLiquidRate": {
"time": "2024-08-15T20:10:58Z",
"value": 0
Spreader On State
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"spreaderOnState": {
"time": "2024-08-28T20:55:59Z",
"value": "On"
Spreader Plow Status
Spreader Prewet Name
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"spreaderPrewetName": {
"time": "2024-08-15T20:07:01Z",
"value": "PWT"
Spreader Prewet Rate
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"spreaderPrewetRate": {
"time": "2024-08-15T20:10:58Z",
"value": 28
Spreader Road Temp
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991840886"
"spreaderRoadTemp": {
"time": "2024-08-16T19:42:02Z",
"value": 0
Driver Compliance
HOS Clocks
"clocks": {
"break": {
"timeUntilBreakDurationMs": 28800000
"cycle": {
"cycleRemainingDurationMs": 252000000,
"cycleStartedAtTime": "2020-01-27T07:06:25Z",
"cycleTomorrowDurationMs": 252000000
"drive": {
"driveRemainingDurationMs": 39600000
"shift": {
"shiftRemainingDurationMs": 50400000
"currentDutyStatus": {
"hosStatusType": "offDuty"
"currentVehicle": {
"ExternalIds": {
"maintenanceId": "250020",
"payrollId": "ABFS18600"
"id": "123456789",
"name": "Midwest Truck #4"
"driver": {
"id": "88668",
"name": "Susan Bob"
"timestamp": "2025-02-07T17:42:01.740Z",
"violations": {
"cycleViolationDurationMs": 39600000,
"shiftDrivingViolationDurationMs": 39600000
- Timestamp: exact time (in UTC - reference) when the HOS clocks snapshot was taken for this driver
Address Created
"eventId": "017db07f-6e95-470e-8cc0-a371f9deed2b",
"eventTime": "1970-01-20T06:39:05.683Z",
"eventType": "AddressCreated",
"orgId": 20936,
"webhookId": "1411751028848270",
"data": {
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"addressTypes": [
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"id": "312312",
"lastName": "Johnson"
"firstName": "Michael",
"id": "312312",
"lastName": "Johnson"
"firstName": "Michael",
"id": "312312",
"lastName": "Johnson"
"createdAtTime": "2021-08-30T19:36:05+00:00",
"externalIds": {
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"formattedAddress": "298 Burnley St",
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"latitude": 37.7749,
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"latitude": 37.7749,
"longitude": 122.4194,
"name": "Company Office #1",
"notes": "This address is located at site 892.",
"tags": [
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"parentTagId": "4815"
"id": "3914",
"name": "East Coast",
"parentTagId": "4815"
Address Deleted
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"eventTime": "1970-01-20T06:39:05.683Z",
"eventType": "AddressDeleted",
"orgId": 20936,
"webhookId": "1411751028848270",
"data": {
"address": {
"externalIds": {
"siteId": "54"
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"name": "Company Office #1"
Address Updated
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"eventTime": "1970-01-20T06:39:05.683Z",
"eventType": "AddressUpdated",
"orgId": 20936,
"webhookId": "1411751028848270",
"data": {
"address": {
"addressTypes": [
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"id": "312312",
"lastName": "Johnson"
"firstName": "Michael",
"id": "312312",
"lastName": "Johnson"
"firstName": "Michael",
"id": "312312",
"lastName": "Johnson"
"createdAtTime": "2021-08-30T19:36:05+00:00",
"externalIds": {
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"formattedAddress": "298 Burnley St",
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"latitude": 37.7749,
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"settings": {
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"latitude": 37.7749,
"longitude": 137.7749
"latitude": 37.7749,
"longitude": 137.7749
"latitude": 37.7749,
"longitude": 137.7749
"id": "494123",
"latitude": 37.7749,
"longitude": 122.4194,
"name": "Company Office #1",
"notes": "This address is located at site 892.",
"tags": [
"id": "3914",
"name": "East Coast",
"parentTagId": "4815"
"id": "3914",
"name": "East Coast",
"parentTagId": "4815"
Driver Document Submitted
"document": {
"createdAtTime": "2024-08-28T19:29:45.000Z",
"documentType": {
"id": "2c541bb5-d033-4a8e-9d53-f3db85d366ff",
"name": "Bill of Lading"
"driver": {
"id": "51732619",
"name": "test driver"
"fields": [
"label": "Photos",
"type": "photo",
"value": {}
"label": "Reference #",
"type": "string",
"value": {}
"id": "51732619_1724873385298",
"state": "submitted",
"updatedAtTime": "2024-08-28T19:29:45.000Z",
"vehicle": {
"externalIds": {
"samsara.serial": "G7E5GM59H7"
"id": "281474991565165",
"name": "Test G7E5-GM5-9H7"
"eventType": "documentSubmitted"
Driver Created
"driver": {
"carrierSettings": {},
"createdAtTime": "2024-08-28T18:56:08.388Z",
"driverActivationStatus": "active",
"eldAdverseWeatherExemptionEnabled": false,
"eldBigDayExemptionEnabled": false,
"eldExempt": false,
"eldPcEnabled": false,
"eldYmEnabled": false,
"id": "51899168",
"name": "test streaming driver",
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"updatedAtTime": "2024-08-28T18:56:08.388Z",
"username": "teststreamingdriver"
"eventType": "driverCreated"
Driver Updated
"driver": {
"carrierSettings": {},
"createdAtTime": "2024-08-28T18:56:08.388Z",
"driverActivationStatus": "active",
"eldAdverseWeatherExemptionEnabled": false,
"eldBigDayExemptionEnabled": false,
"eldExempt": false,
"eldPcEnabled": false,
"eldYmEnabled": false,
"id": "51899168",
"name": "test streaming driver updated",
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"updatedAtTime": "2024-08-28T18:56:57.609Z",
"username": "teststreamingdriver"
"eventType": "driverUpdated"
Form Submitted
"eventType": "formSubmitted",
"form": {
"createdAtTime": "2024-08-28T18:54:20Z",
"fields": [
"id": "7dfc8ba4-47ca-48ff-8793-f4b41de8096b",
"label": "submit forms?",
"multipleChoiceValue": {
"value": "Yes"
"note": "Test",
"type": "multiple_choice"
"formTemplate": {
"id": "b3a18c2f-1a6b-402c-96c1-bdb764611c40",
"revisionId": "39140122-2f3a-49a5-b5cb-d5cb7e6a1423"
"id": "f1e68f82-76f5-4303-869c-45a37c8e6f4d",
"location": {
"latitude": 42.11847729042255,
"longitude": -87.93395625558578
"status": "",
"submittedAtTime": "2024-08-28T18:54:20Z",
"submittedBy": {
"id": "51732619",
"type": "driver"
"updatedAtTime": "2024-08-28T18:54:20Z"
DVIR Submitted
"dvir": {
"authorSignature": {
"signatoryUser": {
"id": "51732619",
"name": "test driver"
"signedAtTime": "2024-08-28T18:52:49.000Z",
"type": "driver"
"driver": {
"id": "51732619",
"name": "test driver"
"endTime": "2024-08-28T18:52:49.000Z",
"formattedLocation": "Vancouver – Blaine Highway, Surrey, BC, V3S 9N7",
"hasDefects": false,
"id": "624372548",
"needsCorrection": false,
"safetyStatus": "safe",
"startTime": "2024-08-28T18:52:42.086Z",
"type": "postTrip",
"vehicle": {
"externalIds": {
"samsara.serial": "G7E5GM59H7"
"gateway": {
"serial": "G7E5GM59H7"
"id": "281474991565165",
"licensePlate": "09999",
"name": "Test G7E5-GM5-9H7"
"eventType": "dvirSubmitted"
Engine Fault On
Contact your Samsara account representative to enable this event for your organization.
"eventType": "engineFaultOn",
"fault": {
"j1939": {
"fmi": {
"description": "Low—most severe",
"id": "1"
"occurrenceCount": 50,
"spn": {
"description": "Aux Valve 0 Retract Port Measured Flow",
"id": "1900"
"txId": "21"
"vehicle": {
"externalIds": {
"samsara.serial": "GYWYJ42G8E",
"samsara.vin": "3ALACWFC5NDNB5090"
"id": "281474991840886",
"name": "GYWY-J42-G8E"
Engine Fault Off
Contact your Samsara account representative to enable this event for your organization.
"eventType": "engineFaultOff",
"fault": {
"j1939": {
"lamps": {
"emissions": true
"vehicle": {
"externalIds": {
"samsara.serial": "GYWYJ42G8E",
"samsara.vin": "3ALACWFC5NDNB5090"
"id": "281474991840886",
"name": "GYWY-J42-G8E"
Location & Movement
Geofence Entry
"address": {
"formattedAddress": "I-5, Blaine, WA, USA",
"geofence": {
"circle": {
"latitude": 48.99867107485855,
"longitude": -122.75289223295576,
"radiusMeters": 322
"id": "170886751",
"name": "test Geofence"
"eventType": "geofenceEntry",
"vehicle": {
"assetType": "vehicle",
"externalIds": {
"samsara.serial": "G7E5GM59H7"
"id": "281474991565165",
"licensePlate": "09999",
"name": "Test G7E5-GM5-9H7"
Geofence Exit
"address": {
"formattedAddress": "I-5, Blaine, WA, USA",
"geofence": {
"circle": {
"latitude": 48.99867107485855,
"longitude": -122.75289223295576,
"radiusMeters": 322
"id": "170886751",
"name": "test Geofence"
"eventType": "geofenceExit",
"vehicle": {
"assetType": "vehicle",
"externalIds": {
"samsara.serial": "G7E5GM59H7"
"id": "281474991565165",
"licensePlate": "09999",
"name": "Test G7E5-GM5-9H7"
Route Stop Arrival
"driver": {
"id": "51732619",
"name": "test driver"
"eventType": "routeStopArrival",
"operation": "stop departed",
"route": {
"actualRouteEndTime": "2024-08-28T18:48:36.400Z",
"actualRouteStartTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:02.593Z",
"id": "6009862266",
"name": "test route",
"scheduledRouteEndTime": "2024-08-28T18:55:00.000Z",
"scheduledRouteStartTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:00.000Z",
"settings": {
"routeCompletionCondition": "arriveLastStop",
"routeStartingCondition": "departFirstStop"
"stops": [
"actualArrivalTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:02.593Z",
"actualDepartureTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:02.593Z",
"id": "6066522712",
"liveSharingUrl": "https://cloud.samsara.com/o/5005929/fleet/viewer/job/vG0yIZb6eySjP4MMoa2S",
"name": "Wheeling, IL, USA",
"notes": "",
"scheduledDepartureTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:00.000Z",
"singleUseLocation": {
"address": "Wheeling, IL, USA",
"latitude": 42.1391927,
"longitude": -87.9289591
"state": "departed"
"actualArrivalTime": "2024-08-28T18:48:36.400Z",
"actualDepartureTime": "2024-08-28T18:48:36.400Z",
"enRouteTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:02.593Z",
"id": "6066522713",
"liveSharingUrl": "https://cloud.samsara.com/o/5005929/fleet/viewer/job/ymbM5oebsE3Ng0hHDG66",
"name": "Buffalo Grove, IL, USA",
"notes": "test notes",
"scheduledArrivalTime": "2024-08-28T18:55:00.000Z",
"singleUseLocation": {
"address": "Buffalo Grove, IL, USA",
"latitude": 42.1662831,
"longitude": -87.9631308
"state": "departed"
"routeStopDetails": {
"actualArrivalTime": "2024-08-28T18:48:36.400Z",
"actualDepartureTime": "2024-08-28T18:48:36.400Z",
"enRouteTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:02.593Z",
"id": "6066522713",
"liveSharingUrl": "https://cloud.samsara.com/o/5005929/fleet/viewer/job/ymbM5oebsE3Ng0hHDG66",
"state": "departed"
"time": "2024-08-28T18:48:36.400Z",
"type": "route tracking"
Route Stop Departure
"driver": {
"id": "51732619",
"name": "test driver"
"eventType": "routeStopDeparture",
"operation": "stop departed",
"route": {
"actualRouteStartTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:02.593Z",
"id": "6009862266",
"name": "test route",
"scheduledRouteEndTime": "2024-08-28T18:55:00.000Z",
"scheduledRouteStartTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:00.000Z",
"settings": {
"routeCompletionCondition": "arriveLastStop",
"routeStartingCondition": "departFirstStop"
"stops": [
"actualArrivalTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:02.593Z",
"actualDepartureTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:02.593Z",
"id": "6066522712",
"liveSharingUrl": "https://cloud.samsara.com/o/5005929/fleet/viewer/job/vG0yIZb6eySjP4MMoa2S",
"name": "Wheeling, IL, USA",
"notes": "",
"scheduledDepartureTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:00.000Z",
"singleUseLocation": {
"address": "Wheeling, IL, USA",
"latitude": 42.1391927,
"longitude": -87.9289591
"state": "departed"
"enRouteTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:02.593Z",
"eta": "2024-08-30T01:56:09.786Z",
"id": "6066522713",
"liveSharingUrl": "https://cloud.samsara.com/o/5005929/fleet/viewer/job/ymbM5oebsE3Ng0hHDG66",
"name": "Buffalo Grove, IL, USA",
"notes": "test notes",
"scheduledArrivalTime": "2024-08-28T18:55:00.000Z",
"singleUseLocation": {
"address": "Buffalo Grove, IL, USA",
"latitude": 42.1662831,
"longitude": -87.9631308
"state": "en route"
"routeStopDetails": {
"actualArrivalTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:02.593Z",
"actualDepartureTime": "2024-08-28T18:47:02.593Z",
"id": "6066522712",
"liveSharingUrl": "https://cloud.samsara.com/o/5005929/fleet/viewer/job/vG0yIZb6eySjP4MMoa2S",
"state": "departed"
"time": "2024-08-28T18:47:02.593Z",
"type": "route tracking"
Severe Speeding Started
"data": {
"startTime": "2024-08-23T17:25:53.101Z",
"tripStartTime": "2024-08-23T17:25:53.101Z",
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991565165"
"eventType": "severeSpeedingStarted"
Severe Speeding Ended
"data": {
"endTime": "2024-08-28T18:37:52.834Z",
"startTime": "2024-08-28T18:36:07.713Z",
"tripStartTime": "2024-08-28T18:35:52.027Z",
"vehicle": {
"id": "281474991565165"
"eventType": "severeSpeedingEnded"
Vehicle Created
"eventId": "017db07f-6e95-470e-8cc0-a371f9deed2b",
"eventTime": "1970-01-20T06:39:05.683Z",
"eventType": "VehicleCreated",
"orgId": 20936,
"webhookId": "1411751028848270",
"data": {
"vehicle": {
"assetType": "vehicle",
"externalIds": {
"maintenanceId": "250020"
"gateway": {
"serial": "GFRV-43N-VGX"
"id": "494123",
"licensePlate": "6SAM123",
"name": "Fleet Truck #1",
"vehicleVin": "1GBJ6P1B2HV112765"
Vehicle Updated
"eventType": "vehicleUpdated",
"vehicle": {
"createdAtTime": "",
"externalIds": {
"samsara.serial": "G7E5GM59H7"
"gateway": {
"model": "VG54NA",
"serial": "G7E5-GM5-9H7"
"harshAccelerationSettingType": "automatic",
"id": "281474991565165",
"licensePlate": "09999",
"model": "VG54NA",
"name": "Test G7E5-GM5-9H7",
"serial": "G7E5-GM5-9H7",
"staticAssignedDriver": {
"id": "51732619",
"name": "test driver"
"vehicleRegulationMode": "regulated"
Data Streaming Parameters
- Date Entities - Select among dozens of data entities detailed below. Each entity can be streamed to a designated Kafka topic in your connected cluster. For each stream subscription, a unique message is produced in the Kafka topic with the data payload for the specific entity. For more information about setting up Samsara's Kafka Producer see our Product Guide.
- Data Granularity - Data is streamed as it is updated on the Samsara cloud. Exact data granularity depends on the specific entity. For example, when a platform event occurs a message payload is emitted to the designated Kafka topic in real-time. For diagnostic data, please consult this reference for data update frequencies. Note that GPS data updates every 5 seconds when the vehicle is on, and every 5 minutes when the vehicle is off or idle.
Each stream subscription enabled will send messages for one (1) entity to the designated Kafka topic. Entities are not bundled into the same message payload today.
Feedback requested
As you set up stream subscriptions for the available data entities, please share your feedback with your Samsara representatives. We want to hear where you encounter any friction in the setup process or with streaming, or any other feedback you may have.
Data Resilience
If Samsara is ever unable to reach your Kafka cluster (i.e. an outage on your side) our Kafka streaming feature has data resilience built in.
- All time-series entities (e.g. Asset Diagnostics) will recover up to 6 hours of data. If the connected cluster is down, we will retry the connection periodically to backfill up to 6 hours.
- Platform events (see above) cannot be backfilled today, however if your connected cluster is down we will retry following the same process as for webhooks.
We don't expect Samsara's service to go down (learn more about our uptime here) but in the event that happens no data is lost: the stream subscription will pickup from the last streamed datapoint, until it's caught back up to current data.
Message Schema Versioning
Message schema version is fixed at the time the stream is created. Like with our API and Webhooks, users of data streaming can assume there will be no breaking changes to subscription payloads.
Updated 10 days ago