adding new driver by API, not working
over 1 year ago by surjeet
by using nodejs and API , i was trying to add new driver , it always return 'Name must contain only letters or numbers' , however i tried only letters also tried only numbers and mixture also half letters and half numbers. nothing works, my api calls works i can get lsit of existing drivers in my node js file,
please help
below are the logs returns
status: 400,
data: {
message: 'Name must contain only letters or numbers',
requestId: 'rmiogtll-ftrgvpmv'
headers: Headers {
[Symbol(map)]\: [Object: null prototype] {
date: [Array],
'content-type': [Array],
'content-length': [Array],
connection: [Array],
'request-id': [Array],
'strict-transport-security': [Array],
'x-content-type-options': [Array]
res: Response {
size: 0,
timeout: 0,
[Symbol(Body internals)]\: { body: [PassThrough], disturbed: true, error: null },
[Symbol(Response internals)]\: {
url: '<'>,
status: 400,
statusText: 'Bad Request',
headers: [Headers],
counter: 0