Assigning team drivers for a tractor


Optimize Route via API

Can you call the optimization tasks from within the API to calculate departure times, for example?


Dispatch Settings via API?



Manual Fuel Usage Entry

Is there a way to manually enter the fuel that has been purchased if the fuel company does not have a document that is able to be downloaded?


How to Increase Data Granularity in Vehicle Trajectories from Samsara API?

When using the API endpoint "", is there a way to increase the granularity of the retrieved data? Currently, the vehicle trajectory data seems to have intervals of around a minute or longer. I would like to retrieve data with finer granularity, such as every second. Is this possible through API parameters or any specific settings? Any guidance or best practices would be appreciated!


Who does Samsara use to install their telematic devices? Do they have an internal tech group or is this outsourced?

sign my driver out that still log in

how do I sign my driver out of the app because he is having issues with it

Trying to Apply for Global Communications Video Editor

the application page will not let me apply. Can this be fixed?

Is there an endpont to take a picture of a dashcam?

I am currently working on integrating Samsara's API into our system. I would like to know if there is an endpoint available that allows us to take a picture from a dashcam in real-time.


Mobile SDK

Hi, I know it was talked about Samsara creating a Mobile SDK application wondering if there is any updates on this?