PATCH alerts/configurations: Update endpoint to better support driver app notification

The PATCH alerts/configurations endpoint has some new features! Increase custom text character limit in Driver App Alerts. Users can now see up to 320 characters of custom text (previously 64 character limit)..


Webhooks 2.0 is GA

We are excited to announce new Webhook 2.0 updates as a part of making this feature Generally Available (GA) to all Early Access and Phase 1 customers! Webhooks 2.0 includes Alert Webhooks 2.0 and Event Subscriptions.


New Beta API: GET coaching/driver-coach-assignments

The GET coaching/driver-coach-assignments endpoint is now in the Beta stage. Feel free to send in your comments via our feedback form. (Note this endpoint should not be used in production until it is made generally available).


New Beta API: PUT coaching/driver-coach-assignments

The PUT coaching/driver-coach-assignments endpoint is now in the Beta stage. Feel free to send in your comments via our feedback form. (Note this endpoint should not be used in production until it is made generally available).

AlertIncident (Generally Available)

The AlertIncident endpoint is now generally available and fully supported for production 🎉!.

GET preview/custom-reports/configs: Added list of columns to each report config object

The GET preview/custom-reports/configs endpoint has some new features! Added a columns property, defined as a list of CustomReportColumnsObjects, to each CustomReportConfigObject

GET preview/custom-reports/runs: Added unit property to CustomReportColumnsObject

The GET preview/custom-reports/runs endpoint has some new features! Added a unit property, surfacing the measurement unit of the column using new enum mappings.

GET preview/custom-reports/configs: Added limit parameter

The GET preview/custom-reports/configs endpoint has some new features! Added a limit parameter to control page size. Default: 100.

GET preview/custom-reports/runs: Deprecated baseUnit. Favor using unit instead.

The GET preview/custom-reports/runs endpoint has some new features! Deprecated the baseUnit property in favor of the unit property, which has an improved name and an API standard enum mapping.


New Beta API: GET driver-trailer-assignments

The GET driver-trailer-assignments endpoint is now in the Beta stage. Feel free to send in your comments via our feedback form. (Note this endpoint should not be used in production until it is made generally available).