New Beta API: GET beta/dvirs/stream
The GET beta/dvirs/stream endpoint is now in the Beta stage. Feel free to send in your comments via our feedback form. (Note this endpoint should not be used in production until it is made generally available).
New Beta API: GET beta/defects/stream
The GET beta/defects/stream endpoint is now in the Beta stage. Feel free to send in your comments via our feedback form. (Note this endpoint should not be used in production until it is made generally available).
New Beta API: GET beta/defect-types
The GET beta/defect-types endpoint is now in the Beta stage. Feel free to send in your comments via our feedback form. (Note this endpoint should not be used in production until it is made generally available).
GET gateways: Fixes missing AG46P-EU gateway models
The GET gateways endpoint has some new features! Updated the model enum with additional model value AG46P-EU. Previously gateways with this model value would return 'none' in responses.
GET fleet/settings/safety: Add Forward Collision Warning to the response.
The GET fleet/settings/safety endpoint has some new features! We added the following new field to the Safety Score Setting Configuration Object:
PATCH fleet/routes/.id: Support passing in an externalId for driverId and vehicleId.
The PATCH fleet/routes/.id endpoint has some new features! We now support passing in an externalId for driverId or vehicleId.
POST fleet/routes: Support passing in an externalId for driverId and vehicleId.
The POST fleet/routes endpoint has some new features! We now support passing in an externalId for driverId or vehicleId.
GET fleet/drivers/efficiency: Added high torque and over speed fields.
The GET fleet/drivers/efficiency endpoint has some new features! Added two additional fields for highTorqueMs and overSpeedMs. High torque is time the vehicle engine torque is greater than 90% in milliseconds. Over speed is driving time spent over the efficient speed threshold in milliseconds. In addition, fields now default to 0 instead of hidden.
GET fleet/safety-events: Updates endpoint to include external id to vehicle mini object.
The GET fleet/safety-events endpoint has some new features! External ID is now included in vehicle mini object for this endpoint.
GET beta/fleet/drivers/efficiency: Added high torque and over speed fields.
The GET beta/fleet/drivers/efficiency endpoint has some new features! Added two additional fields for highTorqueMs and overSpeedMs. High torque is time the vehicle engine torque is greater than 90% in milliseconds. Over speed is driving time spent over the efficient speed threshold in milliseconds. In addition, fields now default to 0 instead of hidden.