Trailer VIN
When will the trailer VIN field be available? (currently, VIN input/register is only avail for tractors)
Posted by Tim Park almost 4 years ago
Is there a call where you can return the location of my trailers?
I was looking for the documentation, but I only found the calls for the tractors, but not for the trailers, it returns the trailers assigned to the tractors, but I would need to know the location of my trailers
Posted by Christian Gtz almost 4 years ago
Add/Edit Trailers
When will the ability to add trailers and edit their tags be available in the API? We buy and sell trailers all the time and it is very archaic to have to manually keep the list updated.
Posted by Matt Gibson over 4 years ago
Trailer Park and Hook
A question regarding Trailer park and hook. Can we get the Trailer park/unLink and hook/Link events through the API? If so, will the Tractor being linked and unlinked be in the event?
Posted by David Gudat over 4 years ago