Can I chane the lag time going from driving to on duty?

There is a lag time that is not recording that the driver stopped at the designated stop. Is there anyway to change that?

Assigning team drivers for a tractor


Get HOS logs API: Ignored (OFF) eld detail

Good day.

Safety Events Endpoint including speeding events

Is there any way to include speeding events when using the get all safety events endpoint?

Is there a way to pull charging sessions from the API?

I am hoping to pull information similar to what can be seen on the EV Charging Reports on the UI, where it gives location, start SOC, end SOC, Last Charge, Start Time, End Time, and Duration of charge events. Is there a REST API endpoint to pull this information?

Vehicle List filtering (updatedAfterTime,createdAfterTime)

Hello I'm testing the list vehicle endpoint, and I have a doubt:

Data Replication (Database/CSV)

Under example scripts, there is an example of "Data Replication (Database/CSV)". Do you have an example code in C# or VB.NET (.Net Framework)?


how i can turn ETA and miles to ahipper or delivery

Remote access to do a forced regen

Does Samsara have any collaborations, integrations with diagnostic software from Volvo, Detroit Diagnostic or OTR Performance Diagnostic Tool or any other so a technician could get a remote access to a truck's ECU in order to perform distant programming like calibrations, all types of regens, resets, check up tests, fault codes deletion, etc.?
Example: a truck is in derate mode thousand miles away, cannot drive more than 5 m/h, no adequate service nearby, weekend.... In 80% cases this issue can be solved by a trusted diagnostic specialist within 1-3 hours using software tools. No need to overpay to mobile road service, no towing, no other unnecessary expenses.
So is there any hope for this feature?