JSON Response Output/Schema Definition for Certain End Points

I'd like to know if there's a more specific JSON output/schema specification for certain end points like: * * Specifically, would like to know the data types (mainly sizes) for: * gps.latitude * gps.longitude * gps.speedMilesPerHour The number of places of precision to the left and right of the decimal place is needed in order to create a relational database that's capable of containing the provided data.

Refresh Token API not working

We have been using oAuth for our application for a while. Recently "oauth2/token" for refresh_token has been failing with error "The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed" with error_hint "Make sure that the various parameters are correct, be aware of case sensitivity and trim your parameters. Make sure that the client you are using has exactly whitelisted the redirect_uri you specified" We are passing all mandatory fields "refresh_token","grant_type","redirect_uri" as x-www-form-urlencoded Headers: Authorization : Basic {{base64 encoded credentials}} I reverified the refresh_token and credentials multiple time. Not sure why the API says it it missing required parameter. Can someone help us with this?

Driver ID

I want to return the driver ID based on username is there a way to do that with the drivers api.

Gateway Timeouts More Frequently

Lately our API calls have been receiving a lot more 504 Gateway Timeout errors, which according to means these errors are on Samsara's end, have you experiencing any issues with your servers recently?

Delay between Driver App login and assignment to a Vehicle

When using this API endpoint: How soon after a driver logs in to the Samsara driver application would we expect to see a valid assignment? I understand this will not necessarily be a fixed delay but is the system designed to post these assignments on an event basis off of the login or is there some background process that is not event-driven that is making the assignment periodically? Is the assignment meant to be close to real-time? Any insight is appreciated.

All about ETA

I want to know: 1. Are there endpoints to get ETAs? Where I can find them or if you can list it here, I appreciate it 2. When does ETA become available? 3. When and why can it be recalculated and when recalculated ETA become available?

Speeding Information

I'd like to collect data about when vehicles in our fleet are speeding, as a % of overall driving time. I see in fleet/settings/safety that my org has established speedingSettings and severityLevels, but I can't figure out where these events can be accessed via the API.

How can I retrieve the time the driver started being in their current HOS status?

The API docs state that we can retrieve the time the driver started being in their current HOS status along with the current HOS status type, using Get HOS clocks ( However, the API response only contains the HOS status type and there is no reference if the time the driver started being on this status. Can someone guide me on how to retrieve the start time of the current status please?

Add trailer to samsara.

Could someone help me how to add trailer to samsara.When I go to asets there isnt option trailer.Thank you

Does samsara include an odometer offset?

Does Samsara offer an API attribute that gives us the odometer (GPS odometer) and a true odometer (Odometer + any odometer offsets due to equipment change/repair)? In some cases, it is called the odometer offset. Thanks,