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Generate Live Sharing link for Asset via API

Hi, I'm aware that it's possible to manually create a live sharing link with an expiration date for a vehicle from the Assets tab. Is there any support for doing this programmatically through the API?


Can Speeding Events Appear in Safety Event API

I am using /fleet/safety-events to read safety events. The organization has configured thresholds for the speeding events and users are receiving email alerts when a speeding event is created. The events are not appearing in the response from the API though. The documentation for the API lists speeding as a valid event type. Is there a way to get the speeding events included in the /fleet/safety-events


Driver ID

I want to return the driver ID based on username is there a way to do that with the drivers api.


Refresh Token API not working

We have been using oAuth for our application for a while. Recently "oauth2/token" for refresh_token has been failing with error "The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed" with error_hint "Make sure that the various parameters are correct, be aware of case sensitivity and trim your parameters. Make sure that the client you are using has exactly whitelisted the redirect_uri you specified"


How do I pull the Distance traveled (Odometer W/ GPS Fallback) for a driver by day ?

Trying to build a report that would allow me to figure out payroll by miles traveled during a date range by Driver. Having trouble in finding a api that pulls distance traveled.


JSON Response Output/Schema Definition for Certain End Points

I'd like to know if there's a more specific JSON output/schema specification for certain end points like:


Gateway Timeouts More Frequently

Lately our API calls have been receiving a lot more 504 Gateway Timeout errors, which according to means these errors are on Samsara's end, have you experiencing any issues with your servers recently?


Speeding Information

I'd like to collect data about when vehicles in our fleet are speeding, as a % of overall driving time. I see in fleet/settings/safety that my org has established speedingSettings and severityLevels, but I can't figure out where these events can be accessed via the API.

Trailer Location without Gateways
