API for "Upcoming Preventative Maintenance Items" from UI
Hello! I'm looking for an API to provide a list of upcoming maintenance items similar to how the UI displays it. I would not like to use a webhook, I'd much rather pull a list via API.
Shipping ID
Is there anything that can get / update the Shipping ID?
adding new driver by API, not working
by using nodejs and API , i was trying to add new driver , it always return 'Name must contain only letters or numbers' , however i tried only letters also tried only numbers and mixture also half letters and half numbers. nothing works, my api calls works i can get lsit of existing drivers in my node js file,
Get data for not working dashcams?
Get driver list based on the locaion & Check for traffic
I'm currently investigating Samsara to accomplish the following objectives:
please let us know if the endpoint "fleet/vehicles/cameras/media/history" is available now 08/2023
please confirm if the endpoint to get images from camera is available or if the api change and there is a new endpoint or please let me know if this function is no longer is use? thanks in advance
RouteStopArrival and RouteStopDeparture envent, need to work when routes assigned to drivers.
"This webhook works only for routes assigned to vehicles. If you’d like this support for routes assigned to drivers, please leave feedback here."
Query on app publishing
After successfully signing in to the developer portal, I proceeded to the "Apps" menu and proceeded to create a beta app by providing all the required information as outlined in the documentation. However, despite following the instructions carefully, I am encountering an issue where I am unable to see any information in the "Organizations" menu. I would greatly appreciate any assistance in resolving this matter.
immobilizer installation in Freightliner Cascadia
Is there anyone here who has actually installed the immobilizers on a Freightliner Cascadia? the instruction, while not completely vague, leave a lot of questions when installing these on the newer trucks with multiplexing systems.
What is included and excluded in Fuel Consumed
What is included and excluded in the Fuel Consumed column of a custom report? It is not defined at