Non-Geogenced by Zip

We get a list of vehicles that are outside of our geofenced areas. Is there a way to pull the closest geofence job that we have mapped out to these vehicles? Right now, the list that gets populated is just city, state and zip.


Error:SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''

When I try to hit the Samasara API using cURL in php project it returns the error :
Error:SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''


Fetch All Documents API returning original values, not updated ones

We have noticed that the Fetch All Documents API call does not return the most up to date values in the fields of the document if the document values have been updated. It appears to only returns the initial values of the document as it was submitted.


How to use Live Sharing URL on our own apps?

Hello, I work in the IT team at a company that uses Samsara.
Samsara includes a feature for generating Live Share URLs.
Is there a way to utilize this feature in our web application?


Why does the vehicles & drivers endpoint return 0 records?

We are periodically syncing the vehicles and drivers from Samsara; the schedule runs every 4 hours.


Update Driver in active assignment/trip

Can I change a Driver for specific assignment, when Driver is already started his trip? If yes, which endpoint can use for this case?


All about ETA

I want to know:


Driver Shift Start Time and End Time

My company is looking to create a report that shows the start time and end time for every shift for a driver. Example for 2023-05-24, I want the timestamps when driver X started the shift and ended the shift. Please note, this shift could have started on the 23rd and ended on the 24th.