Get ETA by using API
Get ETA by using API
Get ETA by using API
Test Environment
Hello, we need to integrate client system with Samsara APIs, is there a test environment available with test token?
Unable to use webhooks with geofence entry/exit
I'm currently trying to create webhook triggers based on entries and exits into and out of genfences, but whenever I get to that field the entry/exit triggers are grayed out and I can't choose them.
What if Samsara has incorrect speed or if GPS assumes the wrong (probably adjacent) road?
Drivers that have not exceeded posted speed limits are receiving reports of severe or heavy speeding. GPS is not always able to tell which roads are being traveled, particularly in densely populated areas where roads may be stacked on top of each other (NYC, Baltimore, DC, etc.). Driver morale suffers when they have been driving impeccably all week and then see their score drop 4 or more points in one day when they were not actually speeding. Getting drivers to go to certain destinations can be a tough sell when they know that their score will drop as a result. Gamification only exacerbates this problem because then the other drivers can see a score drop even though the drop was undeserved. Our drivers are exceedingly competitive, so this inaccuracy has caused some frustration.
eldExempt Key removed from the API in drivers enpoint?
Sensors Pin To Gateway
You can manually pin a sensor to a gateway using the website, can I do this with the API? If so how is this done as it is not described in the API docs. Also, if this isn't possible today could you add this to the API?
How to assign ruleset to multiple Duty Status Logs
Hi, I'm seeing issues when trying to correlate a driver's daily logs with an HOS ruleset. For example, I have drivers coming through the API with four rulesets in the list of rulesets. In the Logs, there aren't any indications for which ruleset the log was created with/under. How do I correlate the ruleset with the log in order to correctly identify violations?
Can you autofill stringValues in a document?
We are trying to autofill the Route Name into the stringValue whenever a certain document is created but cannot figure out how to do this.