Unknown alertConditionId for Temperature inside/out side range

I was not able to find the alertConditionId for Temperature Alerts of type "(ambient) inside range" and "(ambient) outside range" in the documentation [https://developers.samsara.com/docs/webhook-reference#temperature] If possible, please provide info for the following temperature alert event - (ambient) is inside range - (ambient) is outside range - (probe) rises above - (probe) falls below

I need to have optional documents that a driver can choose at a stop

I have documents setup for Route. In this example they arrive at a stop. 1.If it is a pickup, I need Loaded Info, Arrival, Depart, BOL, Pieces and Weight etc. 2. If it is a delivery, Empty Info Arrive, Depart, Who Signed For It, etc. 3. If They Are Delayed For any reason, send us a notification, a time delay started, notes, etc. 4. If there is an issue with the stop, wrong address, damaged freight, facility closed etc. I need info to process in our dispatch system Under workflow I created Tasks for each stop. There is two problems with this 1. The task don't display the document name, just document 1, document 2, document 3 2. They have to complete task 1 (document 1) before they can select document 2, etc.

Distance Travelled

I was trying to use the Vehicle Stats Feed to daily poll (currently, could increase to more frequently, which is why I was trying the feed) and get updated engine hours, miles driven, etc https://api.samsara.com/fleet/vehicles/stats/feed However, I'm quite frequently getting negative mileage? I'm not exactly sure how that is possible? NEGATIVE Bus: 908 908 reported -70717 miles via Samsara at the last read on 2023-02-22 00:00:19. Samsara reports everything in meters, so are doing a meters2miles conversion, but that shouldn't have any affect on it? I store the meters number after each daily read and then the next day, I'm just subtracting the "newly read" meters from the previous meters and at least 1 vehicle each day reports some crazy negative mileage?? Anyone else experiencing this? Is stats/history the better API to be using for this purpose?

Frontend product that allows seeing routes sent in with /v1/fleet/dispatch/routes call

I work for a software development company that has had a Samsara integration for 3 years. Up until now, we've been connecting to accounts that were already using dispatch routing in Samsara independently. And our calls to the dispatch API calls went right through, and the users could see them in their Samara account portal. But, we just had one customer purchase Samsara to use with our software, and they've been able to setup API keys, and our service calls go through successfully. (The call is a POST to /v1/fleet/dispatch/routes?access_token=samsara_api_xxxxxxxxxxx) BUT, the routes don't appear to show up in the Samsara portal. They have a set of software for "GPS and dashcams for safety" but I don't know specific package names. I'm assuming there is something they haven't purchased, but I don't know what piece is missing. The portal I used when I coded this has some extra icons on the dashboard, that this customer doesn't have. In particular there is one that looks like 2 map "pins" that has a submenu with "Dispatch","Routes","Recurring Routes","Planned vs Actual" which is where my test account would show the routes I sent through the API. So, the question is, what is the minimum piece they need to see these routes in their portal, or through their Samsara android app? What can I tell them to tell their salesperson that they need?

How to see how many miles left to destination in dispatch

How to add mileage and ETA to the dispatch when puting the address and choosing the truck? I see on other accounts we have this option, but it's not showing up on my account. Only available information when I'm checking the address fro truck is fuel

Can you autofill stringValues in a document?

We are trying to autofill the Route Name into the stringValue whenever a certain document is created but cannot figure out how to do this. ``` { "dispatchJobId": 9002955259, "documentTypeUuid": "79b45b3b-6e73-40e1-ac72-3b7692475d4c", "fields": [ { "label": "Order #", "valueType": "ValueType_String", "stringValue": }, { "label": "Do you accept this load?", "valueType": "ValueType_MultipleChoice", "multipleChoiceValueTypeMetadata": { "multipleChoiceOptionLabels": [ { "label": "Yes" }, { "label": "No" } ] } } ], "conditionalFieldSections": null } ```

Mileage under PC or YM

Hello, I'm successfully pulling up all daily logs through the https://api.samsara.com/fleet/hos/logs endpoint, going through them and separating the ones with Personal Conveyance and Yard Move duty statuses on them. However, I can't find a way to pull mileage for each trip made under PC or YM since the response doesn't provide it. Any idea how I can get the mileage driven during a PC or YM duty status? Thank you!

RouteStopArrival and RouteStopDeparture envent, need to work when routes assigned to drivers.

"This webhook works only for routes assigned to vehicles. If you’d like this support for routes assigned to drivers, please leave feedback here." Feedback has not yet received a response. Do you already have this ability, just bind it to my developerportal app?

Signature Timezone

Afternoon. My signature capture service stopped working, when the UK moved to BST, as the times didn't match the 'created date' of the Proof of Deliveries. Is the timezone for the Proof of Delivery creation in UTC? Thanks in advance!

Updating the gateway.serial in the "Update Vehicle" call. What happens?

Hi, I used the update vehicle call to change the serial in that area. Does this change the vehicle of the gateway? If so and the gateway is still on the old vehicle, does it switch back? Or does it act as a place holder for when you use the gateway pairing call?