ECM troubleshooting/commands via a Samsara ELD module
I have a Samsara ELD customer requesting to connect to the ECM remotely to troubleshoot issues on the road without having to connect from a laptop (which they do with a NEXIQ Box currently). In particular, they want to clear codes, reflash ecms,or regening the engines.
DEF Usage
Is it possible to get the DEF usage of a vehicle via API?
Create route (External vehicle ID)
API extracts after Clock change (Sprng and Fall)
If I am extracting data from various APIs for a date in EST on a date in DST, what should my parameters look like ? -5 or -4? For instance, time changed on 3/12 2 AM to 3 AM. At 6 am, we extracted data for 3/09.
Samsara Dataset
Where does Samsara get its speed and roads dataset from? Possible acceptable answers - Google maps API, OSM opensource dataset, etc. Obviously you don't maintain or create such a vast dataset so where do you get it from?
Try to add and address
When trying to add an address why do I get the following response?
{"message":"could not add addresses for group id XXXXX","requestId":"fcpvpajm-ukocwsgj"}
Is there an API to get the Time-on-site for specifi addresses
We're looking to get the data found in the report "Time-on-site".
Do you have the requet for that, and get all the list of the visites : Vehicule / arrivalTimeMs / ...
Is the Camera Media Endpoint down?
No matter how i try and reach it i only get error 404's
HOS Duplicate entries for same driver and same Event Time
Samsara team.
Distance Travelled
I was trying to use the Vehicle Stats Feed to daily poll (currently, could increase to more frequently, which is why I was trying the feed) and get updated engine hours, miles driven, etc