Samsara github formatting messed up There are examples listed, but due to formatting issue, things appear out of place. For example the first one, " # **create_address** > AddressResponse create_address(address) Create an address Creates a new address in the organization. **Submit Feedback**: Likes, dislikes, and API feature requests should be filed as feedback in our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">API feedback form</a>. If you encountered an issue or noticed inaccuracies in the API documentation, please <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">submit a case</a> to our support team. ### Example ```python " great, i can copy the above. However, "from future import print_function import time import samsara from import ApiException from pprint import pprint" is sitting outside of the box.


Hello, Is there any news about Sandbox? I've seen it was on your Roadmap a year ago, so maybe you have a release date?

How to get Live share links via API for vehicle?

Can you please let me know how to get live share links via current APIs for a particular vehicle?

Driver ID tokens

How can we get exempt drivers that use Driver ID tokens to assign unassigned miles to that driver in vehicle with a token. Also can we get Driver ID tokens to put a driver on duty at beginning shift and off duty when he leaves the truck. We share trucks with driver's that use the drivers app and drivers that are exempt.

Get data for not working dashcams?

Hi, I can't find anything regarding and Endpoint, which will return data of all not working dashcams. Does the API has something like this? Since we can see the camera health in the dashboard, I was wondering if the API has the same feature. Thank you, Viktoria

Maintenance Status and/or Upcoming Preventative Maintenance Items API

I'm looking to pull data from the Upcoming Preventative Maintenance Items portion of Samsara for a shop info screen. I don't see anything published in the API documentation that covers anything around maintenance. I see where I can use webhooks on the alerts but that would present an additional step required to reset once a repair is done.

Warning Light Duration

Is there the ability to get the duration an Engine Warning Light has been active for?

Routes feed "stop ETA updated" never fires

Hello our integration relies heavily on the routes feed to get real time updates, especially with regards to ETA. However, when we built our implementation ~1 year ago, we noticed the feed does not fire if the ETA changed, forcing us to long poll route ids when we knew a route was `en route`. Upon reviewing the latest documentation, the possible values for the `operation` field contains `stop ETA updated`. That sounds perfect! However, after analyzing our `/fleet/routes/audit-logs/feed` requests over the last couple of weeks (hat tip for the new Developer Metrics export), I never see `stop ETA updated` returned.

Linking a Route with a Vehicle

Hello! I'm looking to find the realtime location of a vehicle for a particular route. I am getting all the routes with /fleet/routes where I see driver IDs and route IDs. I can see real time locations of vehicles with /fleet/vehicles where I see vehicle IDs. I'm looking through the endpoints, but I don't see a way to link a vehicle ID with a route ID.

Require Documents

I love the ability to create an pre-populate documents. However, because we are required to send all fields, it automatically pre-populates those fields and then the driver is not required to enter any information because they are already pre-populated. For example, I have a document that simply asks the driver for 3 pieces of information, TRIP ID, # of Pax, # of Stops. To create this "required" document, I have to send Trip ID (pre-populated with the correct data), # of Pax, with no <value> attribute sent and # of Stops with no <value> attribute sent. What the driver receives is a document that has the Trip ID prepopulated correctly, but # of Pax & # of Stops are prepopulated with 0. Therefore the driver can simply submit the document without further details. Am I doing something incorrect? (I have already submitted API feedback on this as well).