Get driver list based on the locaion & Check for traffic

I'm currently investigating Samsara to accomplish the following objectives: Obtain a list of drivers based on their location. Specifically, I'm interested in finding drivers who are situated near a given postcode. Could you please confirm whether there is an API available to facilitate this? Additionally, I'm curious about the feasibility of defining routes with estimated time of arrival (ETA) for delivery purposes. Is there a feature or API that supports the creation of routes while including ETA calculations? Thank you for your assistance!

Upcoming Preventative Maintenance Items

I have a use case where I would like to access the "Upcoming Preventative Maintenance Items" and resolve them via an API call. I can't seem to find where this information exposed, is it available somehow?

Webhook for skipped route

If possible, how do you create a webhook for when a driver skips a route stop? Thanks for your help

HOS Logs with distance driven

We are using the API to replicate the drivers HOS logs - /fleet/hos/logs - but the data returned does not include the distance travelled for driving / personal conveyance duties. We have implemented a solution where we get the odometer values and calculate the distance travelled - but we need to make a large number of API requests; in some cases there are no odometer values for the driving duty. Given that ELD devices must record the odometer with each event, can Samsara simply expose the odometer / distance in the HOS logs?

Missing Vehicles on Driver Efficiency Report

Hey guys, I have a quick question. I've noticed that a driver/vehicle will be randomly missing in my Driver Efficiency Report even though the system has the driver active and the vehicle tracked. Naturally, the report on the data on your UI matches the data I am pulling from the API, so at least that part is consistent. **UPDATE** I found out why they aren't on the report but I am not sure why it's happening. Their "Last Trip" dates vary with some going back as far as two weeks, even though they've been driving that whole time. Why does the "Last Trip" get caught up like that and how do I fix it? Thanks all!

Fuel And Energy report - How is the fuelConsumedMl field calculated?

Since the Fuel and Energy report only updates once a day at 12:00AM UTC, I was wondering how is it calculated so that I can have a more accurate results for my app? Is even calculated or taken straight out of the ECU?

Route ID

Do Route ID remains constant or change every time?

beta/fleet/trailers/stats/history - working???

this "beta/fleet/trailers/stats/history" endpoint doesn't return any history on my trailers is this because its still in beta? fyi - the endpoint "beta/fleet/trailers" works and returns valid data

Unable to use webhooks with geofence entry/exit

I'm currently trying to create webhook triggers based on entries and exits into and out of genfences, but whenever I get to that field the entry/exit triggers are grayed out and I can't choose them. I'm able to use triggers for inside/outside geofences with webhooks, but I can't do it for entry/exit. Is this a feature or a bug? Anyone else had success in finding a solution?

500 internal server error

even after sleeping endpoint for 90 seconds , API will not reset. what is the exact time for reset.