I'm receiving impossibly large values for fuelConsumedMl from the Trips API since 2022-09-30

On multiple trucks on various days since 2022-09-30, individual trips have an impossibly large value for fuelConsumedMl, like 905969724000 for a trip that was "1 hour(s) 48 minute(s)" long. It will affect usually an individual truck for a single trip in a single day. I think there is a new bug in the API. I noticed because the values don't fit in a .Net int32 anymore. I see this happen to a few vehicles/trips every day now.

DEF Usage

Is it possible to get the DEF usage of a vehicle via API? I can see the % value in the vehicle but cannot find this in any API. Ideally we would like to be able to see our DEF usage.

Get ETA by using API

Hi Is there any specific API available to get ETA from vehicle current location to any given location? Thanks

Looking Face Recognition

I am Swarna from Chennai I am doing business in Online Grocery Shopping in Chennai . Daily basis i am meeting many product supliers in warehouses. I have 10 Ware houses in Chennai installed CCTV Camera installed in entrance. Whenever product unloaded by supplier we will track person details. For Example) One Product has 6 Months Shelf Life but Sold in 1 Month. Supplier will reach us 6 Times. Other Product has 6 Months Shelf Life but Sold in 3 Months. Supplier will reeach us 2 Times. We want to track and reward repeated suppliers . If you have any products to solve this problem , i love to buy that product .

Industrial Endpoint not working

We would like to get data on cameras that do not work. All the endpoints where I could possibly getting the data needed for example : "<>" or "<{camera_id}>" for example. None of these endpoints is working. I'm getting either an empty array back or just Null. I checked the API configuration and everything seems to be the way it should be, but still it doesn't work. I have no ideas anymore why these endpoints wouldn't work. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you! Viki

Is there any capability to create Document Types via the API

We would like to develop an automated process to provision a Samsara organization. One of those steps includes creating all the necessary Document Types. We would like to automate this process as configuring manually through the cloud web Gui is not ideal at scale. I could not any references in the API documentation that refer to creating Document Types, only fetching.

API to query a list of log edits made by a driver

Is there a way to identify when a driver edits a log without having to re-pull a range of logs?

Error:SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''

When I try to hit the Samasara API using cURL in php project it returns the error : Error:SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''

FuelPercent Snapshot

Using the FuelPercent endpoint, I'm doing a daily snapshot to track who refuels (or not) their truck at the end of their shift. For some reason, it only captures 10% of my fleet everytime my script runs. Any idea what it could be?

Create route (External vehicle ID)

Hi When I use the api can i assign the route to a vehicle using an externalID? Thanks