Construct URL to view asset

I am looking to construct a URL to view one asset over a period of time. I have constructed a URL using my Asset ID but was wondering if you could help me with the the last portion of the URL, the number. I could use help constructing the number based on date and time period that I want to view the asset location.


Looking Face Recognition

I am Swarna from Chennai
I am doing business in Online Grocery Shopping in Chennai .
Daily basis i am meeting many product supliers in warehouses.
I have 10 Ware houses in Chennai installed CCTV Camera installed in entrance.
Whenever product unloaded by supplier we will track person details.
For Example)
One Product has 6 Months Shelf Life but Sold in 1 Month.
Supplier will reach us 6 Times.
Other Product has 6 Months Shelf Life but Sold in 3 Months.
Supplier will reeach us 2 Times.


Is there a straightforward way to seed asset data for testing purposes?

I'm struggling testing things like data load and pagination because I can't really add test data onto my Samsara account (vehicles require a valid gateway).


Updating Odometer

After replacing an engine, ECM, or dash component, How do we update the odometer readin in Samsara.


Importing fuel purchases

Is there currently a way, through an API, to import fuel purchases?


Retrieving photos

How do I use a pre-signed S3 photos URL from webhook?


Custom Report API


Automate Custom Reports Download?



Event Subscriptions

How can we get updated when new options / events are added to the Event Subscriptions webhooks?

Pairing Vehicle to a Gateway

The Update a Vehicle Patch says you can update the gateway serial number assigned to a vehicle. I have copied the exact documentation below. Every time we try do this we just get a 500 error "Internal Server Error". This would be an incredibly useful feature but we are unable to get it to work using the provided documentation.