Sign out a deactivated driver from vehicle

Hello, when deactivating a driver will he/she automatically be signed out from the assigned vehicle? If not, is there a way to change it with the API? Thank you in Advance, Viktoria


How Samsara IFTA knows where do the driver fuel the bus and how many liters?

Personal Conveyance Key Error

Receiving the following error when running a check for PC. Is this connected to the end of daylight saving time? KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-42-a8e7931de05b> in <module> 61 row['Status'] = log_entry['hosStatusType'] 62 log_start_time = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(log_entry['logStartTime'][:-1]).replace( ---> 63 tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).astimezone(\[driver_log['driver']['id']])) 64 log_end_time = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(log_entry['logEndTime'][:-1]).replace( 65 tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).astimezone(\[driver_log['driver']['id']])) KeyError: '36365657'

Aligning GPS pings with Trip

if using API to pullover GPS pings and Trips, is there a way to associate the GPS pings with the corresponding trip?

Documents at stop level

How do I fetch documents for a stop?

¿Tienen un ambiente de Sandbox?

¿Hay algún plan para permitir que los desarrolladores tengan una instancia sandbox ?

MPH for Harsh Events

Is it possible to get the MPH either on the api video or the api response for harsh events

Get all driver-vehicle assignements not reliable ?

Hello, We're looking into the assignement endpoints and it looks like the Get all assignements one does not always show all assignements as it doesn'T show an assignement is a vehicle is idle instead of in movement. Is this true ? If so, is there anyway to have the endpoint show all current assignements, regardless of vehicle status ? Thank you

How to update route statuses without accessing the driver app, being admin or changing geofence?

Hello, currently, our team testing Get route updates functionality. We are looking for the ways how to automate trip details edit. Is there any api's that allow to change route statuses for example from scheduled to completed?

Download Attachments from DVIR

Hi, I was wondering if there's an API to grab attachments that are linked to a defect in samsara? Thanks!