OAuth UserId

What would be the best way to retrieve the userId of the person authenticating via OAuth?

Driver Login event associated with Carrier Proposed Assignment

We're seeing that when a driver accepts a Carrier Proposed Assignment a driver login is being created. Why does this occur?

Could not parse row! An error occurred when trying to import addresses with the 'Address' field in double quotes.

Based on this article, <https://kb.samsara.com/hc/en-us/articles/216513018-Manage-Addresses-in-Bulk>, I must enclose addresses that contain commas within double quotes. However, when trying to import the CSV file with double quotes, I see the error message 'Could not parse row' in the Preview dialogue. It would be great if you could propose a solution. Thank you in advance.

How can you see the speed limit that samsara thinks it is

I watch signs also watch speed limit on goggle maps. I always pick the slow speed but samsara still will show I am speeding at times but does not show me exactly where so I can drive slower in that area next time. It is bad I can’t drive the posted speed limits because it will say I am speeding.

How to remove specific tag by tag id from assets via api?

vehicles patch api remove the tags from vehicle

Drive remaining and Shift remaining don't match between API and Samsara UI

Hi, We are looking at Drive Remaining and Shift Remaining time data for a specific driver in the UI and it didn't match with the data from the API. Is it a known issue if anyone is aware of such an issue? Or is it a one off issue specific to us? Thanks, Tony

How can you see the speed limit that samsara thinks it is

I watch signs also watch speed limit on goggle maps. I always pick the slow speed but samsara still will show I am speeding at times but does not show me exactly where so I can drive slower in that area next time. It is bad I can’t drive the posted speed limits because it will say I am speeding.

Locating time for a specific address?

Hi there, new to Samsara and trying to see how to find out what time a certain vehicle stopped at an address, but I cannot seem to figure it out. For example: "vehicle 12 stopped at '123 sheep cir' at 5:04 AM " Thank you in advance!

CORS error

Why I'm getting the error: blocked by CORS policy

AG53 Inputs

Is that a way to read the inputs from an AG53?