Vehicle Stats Feed

According to the documentation, the response will contain a pagination.hasNextPage that indicates whether there is more data. But, according to, when supplying a cursor the response will contain "all of the updates to the data since that cursor." What is the purpose of hasNextPage given that each request with a cursor returns all updates since the cursor? I'm asking because I noticed for gps types, hasNextPage is always true. Thanks for your help! each response will contain all the changes since the last

Developer Sandbox Instance of SamSara

Hello, Are there any plans to allow developers to have a developer sandbox instance of SamSara? That would be very helpful!

Where is speeding information pulled from?

In the front end, we see reports on Driving stats under Risk Factors. However, I am not seeing where they exist in the API. We are pulling in the Safety events, which i expected would be the place, but I don't see them there. We have also tried looking at the Driver Safety Score end point. Any help you can provide is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


We use <> to request mileage. Is there a reason we do not always get back the mileage data? Example: 9:00 - 9:01 obdOdometerMeters is 10000. 9:01 - 9:02 obdOdometerMeters is empty. 9:02 - 9:03 obdOdometerMeters is empty. 9:03 - 9:04 obdOdometerMeters is empty. 9:04 - 9:05 obdOdometerMeters is empty