Customizable Live Sharing Links

Is it possible to customize the looks of the page it opens when opening a live tracking link? Change colors? Add logos?


Lookups for domain data?

Getting up to speed on the API for a client and am not sure where to look to find standard domain data for various objects. For example, calling the ELD-Events endpoint returns a structure with this object embedded:


An item with the same key has already been added

We are getting this error from time to time while requesting HOS.


Personal Conveyance (PC) Reporting

We recently switched to Samsara and we're discovering that reporting detail and scheduling is a bit more lacking that we initially thought particularly with report scheduling. There is an inability to select specific days, specific times for start and end ranges and are forced to a full day or full week of reports with no way of adding conditionals to the report data (i.e. if a value is 0 like duration or distance then exclude it from the report).

Live Sharing

Hello. I would like to embed the Live Sharing code on my WordPress site.
If you go to the {Coverage Map} tab and take the link to Live Share there, you need to zoom in to see the drivers' routes.
If you go to the {} tab and make a link to {Settings--Links&Sharring--Live Shaing} there, a separate page opens and it is inconvenient to insert it into the site in the tag


Fuel Level Change

I am looking for a way to get an alert when the fuel level goes up. Any ideas?

Trailer Location without Gateways



A recommendation on how to track revision history using hours of service data

Hello there.


Audio in safety API endpoint

Is there a way to have the downloadInwardVideoUrl in the /fleet/vehicles//safety/harsh_event endpoint to include Audio?