OAuthv2 authentication flow for a daemon service

Hi All, I have a question regarding the oauthv2 authorization code flow. The very first authorize request will ask the samsara authenticated user to allow our app to have access to her data, later on when my access token and refresh token gets expired, do I need to have a samsara authenticated user in place so I can get back a access token? If it doesn't require, it's perfectly fine to ask user to authorize one time and have a daemon process running the authorization flow without any user intervention. Thanks

API Vehicles In Proximity Of Location

Inside the Samsara web site, there is a proximity page that allows me to choose an address and a range and a date/time. I would like it if via the API I could do the same thing. My use case is to see which vehicles are near a location 'right now'.

Document updated webhook event?

Is there not an event for document updated? If not, is it in the dev pipeline? This is a critical feature for the workflows we're developing. Thanks.

Is the Camera Media Endpoint down?

No matter how i try and reach it i only get error 404's curl -L -X GET 'https://api.samsara.com/fleet/vehicles/cameras/media/history?startTime=2023-02-24T08%3A00%3A00Z&endTime=2023-02-25T08%3A00%3A00Z' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer samsara_api_xxxxxxxxx' \ -d 'startTime=2023-02-24T08%3A00%3A00Z' \ -d 'endTime=2023-02-25T08%3A00%3A00Z'

Custom Report API

Hi! Which API endpoint can I use to access custom reports?

Can Speeding Events Appear in Safety Event API

I am using [/fleet/safety-events](https://developers.samsara.com/reference/getsafetyevents) to read safety events. The organization has [configured](https://kb.samsara.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043378832-Driver-Speeding-and-Speed-Limits#UUID-3f6f50a7-03b7-3572-cdcc-49b6598153d5_UUID-f6f7e181-27f6-7f4f-7473-4edc5c3cc852) thresholds for the speeding events and users are receiving email alerts when a speeding event is created. The events are not appearing in the response from the API though. The documentation for the API lists speeding as a valid event type. Is there a way to get the speeding events included in the [/fleet/safety-events](https://developers.samsara.com/reference/getsafetyevents)

Unassigned Driving

We want to pull together a report for the % time a truck was driven with no driver logged in. I believe that we can use the trips API which will return all trips for a single vehicle. Is there another way of getting the data that does not involve multiple requests to the server?

Why does a harsh event query yielding no results return bad request?

When invoking the harsh event endpoint I get back a response code of 400 bad request with the following message: > rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = 0 harsh events found for deviceId <DEVICEID>, timestamp <TIMESTAMP> Where `DEVICEID` and `TIMESTAMP` are 64-bit integers representing the Samsara ID for the vehicle and the time in UNIX milliseconds respectively. Shouldn't a query yielding no results return a 200 OK with no data?

Automatic download

Hello, I am trying to make an automatic video download tool since we download many 1minutes videos every day. Is there any API code for automatic video download?

Geofence for singleUseLocation

Is it possible to provide a geofence definition for a singleUseLocation when creating a route, or do we have to create the addresses separately to change the geofence settings?