Automatic download

Hello, I am trying to make an automatic video download tool since we download many 1minutes videos every day. Is there any API code for automatic video download?

The safety event feed doesn't supply enough detail or information for pulling the full event detail

When using the event feed, we only get a short blurb of the change made. We don't get the full event data from the feed so we can keep a 100% accurate internal database of our camera events. We tried using the "List all safety events" end point but it doesn't use the same timestamps as the feed. When adjusting them by 1 minute we get 0 results for something that shows up on the feed. This would be so much cleaner if we could use the unique ID for the "List all safety events" end point rather than a timestamp range. That way we could get a feed item, and then query the unique event ID to grab the current details.

Driver Allocation

HI Is there an example/ previous use case of API commands being used to link allocation of drivers from one piece of software through to Samsara directly for a real time allocation rather than uploads? Thanks

How to pull Temperature readings at each stop?

I am trying to pull temperature readings at each stop of my route but when using the API "Get route updates" it doesn't tell me the temperature reading. Is there a way to see the temperature at each stop that was completed?

Error when attempting to authorize access from OAuth2 API

Hi, I followed the guide located here: to set up an OAuth2 API. When attempting to login using the authorization code workflow, I get the error "Error: not authorized to create custom role". A colleague of mine who has full admin access doesn't get this error. What should be done to resolve this? My account has developer access, which should be having READ access on all endpoints.

How do I pull the Distance traveled (Odometer W/ GPS Fallback) for a driver by day ?

Trying to build a report that would allow me to figure out payroll by miles traveled during a date range by Driver. Having trouble in finding a api that pulls distance traveled. Thank you, John Rediehs

Trailer Location without Gateways

Hello, I have reviewed the API documentation and am trying to get all trailer locations (I am able to get the trailers with gateways connected, but not the ones without). Which APIs can I leverage to achieve this? I read in the documentation that it shows based on "last completed trip where the driver had the trailer selected with a vehicle in the mobile app". Based on the above, what are the necessary APIs I would need to call to get the necessary location of all trailers without gateways connected.

Sensor Type

When called (v1/sensors/list) Get All Sensors how are we supposed to distinguish cargo sensors from temperature sensors? Right now we just have to run every sensor ID through the "Get Cargo Status" and "Get Temperature" calls to see if we get a response or not. This seems very inefficient

endpoint to fetch the safety scores and idle time

What is the endpoint to fetch the safety scores(for all drivers)and idle time(%)(for all drivers and vehicles)?

Track Dispatcher Reponse Times

Hey all, I was able to filter get messages and sort it into a python dictionary that recorded all messages driver's receive or send. I know it might not be perfect but ideally we want to track how long drivers wait until anyone from our company responds to them. My code was going to be something like this for x in dictionary: if x[id] == driver j=0 if dictionary[x][id] == dictionary[x+1][id] //check if next message is same driver j++ elseif dictionary[x][id] != dictionary[x+1][id] //next message was dispatcher array[x+j][dispatcher] =array[x+j][dispatcher]+ [x+j][time] - [x][time] //shove it into an array of dispatchers to sum time that we average later else //pretty sure i'll fault if the next message doesnt exist pass I know there are a lot of problems. For example, if a driver and dispatcher had a conversation and a driver ended it with statement that doesn't require a response like "Thank You" Also some drivers ask questions in the middle of the night. My idea was to take the unix time and mod it by 86400 seconds in a day to get the hour. Then filter and ignore messages during specific times. Another possibility I thought of was if the disparity between response time was too high; just ignore it. If anyone got bright ideas that can help me out would be greatly appreciated. It might also be impossible to get any accurate or useful data but I thought it might be worth a shot.