Live Sharing

Hello. I would like to embed the Live Sharing code on my WordPress site. If you go to the {Coverage Map} tab and take the link to Live Share there, you need to zoom in to see the drivers' routes. If you go to the {} tab and make a link to {Settings--Links&Sharring--Live Shaing} there, a separate page opens and it is inconvenient to insert it into the site in the <iframe> tag How do I embed a live map on my site?

Get ETA by using API

Hi Is there any specific API available to get ETA from vehicle current location to any given location? Thanks

Why does the vehicles & drivers endpoint return 0 records?

We are periodically syncing the vehicles and drivers from Samsara; the schedule runs every 4 hours. We have started to notice issues where the endpoint for vehicles & drivers returns http status 200 but with no data. This appears to happen at 04:00 utc (and potentially on Thursdays). Is there a maintenance window that we should be aware of - and if so should the endpoint return a http status code of 503 to indicate that the service is unavailable (perhaps with a message to indicate service will be resumed at a specific time)?

Vehicle stats - fuel percents, does it report one or both tanks?

I'm using the fuel percents API endpoint and I'm not sure if it returns a single tank or both tanks combined? Can anyone please clarify this for me?

What is included and excluded in Fuel Consumed

What is included and excluded in the Fuel Consumed column of a custom report? It is not defined at <> Does it include idle fuel consumption? Does it include idle fuel consumption while not in a trip?

Vehicle state snapshots sometimes returning no data?

Hello, I'm noticing that sometimes there are random cases where when querying a vehicle snapshot for fuelPercents at a given time, I get no data back. According to the API, it is suppose to return the data at that time or the last data point before the requested time, however, I'm getting no data back. Sometimes it's hours of gaps in data, sometimes just a few minutes. Why does this happen? The only things I can think of is that there is a limit set between the requested time and the last data point available? Could that be it?

Timeline for when the endpoint Get Trailer Stats will be out of beta?

Hi Team, Do we have a timeline for when the endpoint Get Trailer Stats will be out of beta?

Stop Tasks with team drives

If a stop task is assigned to a driver in sleeper status, will documents assigned to that driver be visible to their team driver?

Have Multiple Vehicles assigned on one route

Hi, We are developing a solution for a bus service provider company. So we have got multiple buses plying on a single route. We are creating a app so the general public can select a route & track where all the buses for that route are on the map or alternatively select a bus and see where it's up-to on it's assigned route. Everything is working well except, we are not able to assign multiple vehicles to a single route. We have dived into the documentation deeply, but couldn't find anything. Can you please guide us on how we can have multiple Vehicles assigned to a single route or alternatively how we can achieve our use case. Your help on this will be really appreciated.

Which url endpoint can i use to write live telematics of sensors?

Looking to write live telematics for multiple sensor types.