Retrieve a single current location by VIN
Can you retrieve the location of a single vehicle by specifying the VIN? Alternatively can the VIN be included in the location listing of all vehicles so the record can be found by VIN.
Fuel And Energy report - How is the fuelConsumedMl field calculated?
Since the Fuel and Energy report only updates once a day at 12:00AM UTC, I was wondering how is it calculated so that I can have a more accurate results for my app?
Is even calculated or taken straight out of the ECU?
Attributes for Assets API
Will the Attributes API support pulling attributes from AG46 and AG51 assets? Currently these can be set in the dashboard but cannot be read via the API.
Fuel and Energy - Calculated or taken straight from the ECU/ECM?
Hello, I am pulling data from the Fuel and Energy endpoint and noticed a few things.
DashCams or gateway stored video download request trougth API
How can I request a video (or hyperlapse portions) for a dashcam stored on a gateway using API?.
Thanks and please advice.
Why does the trailer interface not return the vehicle vin code?
Interface Name: [beta] List all trailers
Does samsara include an odometer offset?
Does Samsara offer an API attribute that gives us the odometer (GPS odometer) and a true odometer (Odometer + any odometer offsets due to equipment change/repair)? In some cases, it is called the odometer offset.
How to pull Temperature readings at each stop?
I am trying to pull temperature readings at each stop of my route but when using the API "Get route updates" it doesn't tell me the temperature reading. Is there a way to see the temperature at each stop that was completed?
In - fleet/safety-events/audit-logs/feed - what's the meaning of the types CreateSafetyEventActivityType and BehaviorLabelActivityType?
what's the meaning of the types CreateSafetyEventActivityType and BehaviorLabelActivityType?
In some objects - fleet/safety-events/audit-logs/feed - returns what does this mean?
"data": [
"id": "1622151765-212014918174029-1550954461759",
"safetyEvent": {
"behaviorLabels": [
"name": "Acceleration",
"type": "Acceleration"
"driver": {
"id": "0"
"id": "212014918174029-1550954461759",
"time": "2019-06-13T19:08:25.455Z",
"vehicle": {
"id": "1234"
"time": "2019-10-12T07:20:50.52Z",
"type": "CreateSafetyEventActivityType"
"pagination": {
"endCursor": "MjkY",
"hasNextPage": true