Looking for Route and Trip relationship

How to analyze which route driver is taking for particular trip if Route Id is not present in Trip table? <br>

Create Recurring Routes Using the API

Is it possible to create a recurring route using the API or via the CSV upload?

Download Attachments from DVIR

Hi, I was wondering if there's an API to grab attachments that are linked to a defect in samsara? Thanks!

DVIR Ability to Select Equipment

Hello! We were wondering if there's a way to be able to select equipment (not vehicle or trailer) in the DVIR tab of the samsara app. Is there a setting in the app that allows that? Or would this be something we would need to develop a custom form? <br>

Not able to embed live tracking in iframe.

Hi I am developing a TMS for a company which uses Samsara. They provide a live tracking url like <br> <> <br> I am unable to iframe this url on our TMS. <br> Is there any different url or something to show the live tracking in our system.

Looking for an APP - Efficiency

Looking for a way to use the data that is being stored in samsara a bit more on calculating the efficiency. For example. Looking at routes planned vs what was driven mileage and time duration. <br>

questions a prospect has for us in order to feed a app via Apis, are the following points possible

2.- Geocoding service You must present a REST type web API where: -Convert coordinates to addresses -Convert addresses to coordinates -Search for addresses of places (e.g. addresses and autocomplete, restaurants, squares, etc.) -It must allow consuming maps in javascript language to display them in the application.

Pax Tracking

Anyone using their RFID option for passenger tracking in Samsara? Wanting to explore doing so for a HOHO tour operation but don’t want to have to pre register cards before. Just hand them out to pax to tap on and off the bus to keep track of the numbers individually

Power Bi API - Idling

Hi I am trying to get my API connector to work in power query but am getting 400 errors for the following: let parameters = (after as any,limit as any,startMs as text,endMs as text, vehicleIds as any,tagIds as any,parentTagIds as any,isPtoActive as any,minIdlingDurationMinutes as any) => let accessToken = "'API Token Here'", baseUrl = "<">, endpointUrl = "/fleet/reports/vehicle/idling", initialRequest = Json.Document(Web.Contents(baseUrl,\[RelativePath = endpointUrl & "?after=" & after & "&limit=" & limit & "&startMs=" & startMs & "&endMs=" & endMs & "&vehicleIds=" & vehicleIds & "&tagIds=" & tagIds & "&parentTagIds=" & parentTagIds & "&isPtoActive=" & isPtoActive & "&minIdlingDurationMinutes=" & minIdlingDurationMinutes, Headers = [Authorization = "Bearer " & accessToken]])) in initialRequest in parameters I have gotten some simpler APIs to work, but these parameters are throwing me for a loop. What am I doing wrong here? <br> Thank you! <br>

Unassigned HOS Report - All Vehicles

Is there any API we can use to get the unassigned driving of the trucks? I am looking for something similar to Unassigned HOS Report in Samsara portal