We would love to have an endpoint for the Speeding event feed.

I could post a picture, but there is a section where we can drill down on a driver and see their speeding events against posted speed limits. There is an event table and a way to retrieve all of these as they happen would be very beneficial. We can grab the current speed of a vehicle, but the speeding events are not available anywhere in the safety event feeds.

Latest Trip Per Vehicle

Our ultimate goal is to locate drivers (not vehicles)... Drivers with statically assigned vehicles is easy as it is just a 1-to-1 with the vehicle. But for our key fob drivers that share vehicles this is proving more problematic. The vehicle endpoint will give the current fob driver (under the staticAssignedDriver attribute which seems incorrect, non the less gives it which is good) but this is only valid while they are near the vehicle and for up to an hour after it was turned off. Also, if another key fob driver walked by the vehicle this is lost. So, the only option seems to be the trip endpoint. But this endpoint requires a call for each vehicle and for a date range. Which adds a lot of overhead on what we are trying to accomplish. The two questions we have: 1. Is there a better way to query trip history for just the latest single record for each vehicle? 2. Is there a better way to see the last vehicle association for a key fob driver? Thanks a lot for any guidance!

API to Power BI

Hello, I am attempting to use an API to directly send to Power BI but I'm getting error codes when attempting the below. Can you advise? This is what I am attempting from web address below. Error code I'm getting is (404) Not Found. <\> What am I doing incorrectly?