Cruise control, Power Take Off Reporting and Regeration Status

We are interested in getting vehicle status information on cruise control e.g. when it is enabled vs. disabled as well as what mode it is in. We are also interested in getting information about when power take-off (PTO) is enabled e.g. is a particular idle using PTO. Last but not least is when regeneration is occurring. Are these pieces of information available via the API? I do see PTO in the beta driver efficiency endpoint but it is not clear where that information is coming from. Let us know. Thanks!

Live Share Via API

Is there any plans to manage Live Share links through the API?

CORS Error - Anyone have any suggestions?

I'm trying to retrieve all routes for a given day and populate a Table in my web application. When I send the web request to Samsara I'm getting the following error message in my console log. Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Randy