Follow a real-time feed of data points for data inputs

Follow a continuous feed of all data input data points.

Your first call to this endpoint will provide you with the most recent data points for each data input and a pagination object that contains an endCursor.

You can provide the endCursor to the after parameter of this endpoint to get data point updates since that endCursor.

If hasNextPage is false, no updates are readily available yet. We suggest waiting a minimum of 5 seconds before requesting updates.

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To use this endpoint, select Read Equipment Statistics under the Equipment category when creating or editing an API token. Learn More.

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Query Params

If specified, this should be the endCursor value from the previous page of results. When present, this request will return the next page of results that occur immediately after the previous page of results.

array of strings

A filter on the data based on this comma-separated list of parent tag IDs, for use by orgs with tag hierarchies. Specifying a parent tag will implicitly include all descendent tags of the parent tag. Example: parentTagIds=345,678

array of strings

A filter on the data based on this comma-separated list of tag IDs. Example: tagIds=1234,5678

array of strings

A comma-separated list of data input IDs. Example: dataInputIds=1234,5678

array of strings

A comma-separated list of industrial asset UUIDs. Example: assetIds=076efac2-83b5-47aa-ba36-18428436dcac,6707b3f0-23b9-4fe3-b7be-11be34aea544


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