Set a duty status for a specific driver

This endpoint is still on our legacy API.

Set an individual driver’s current duty status to 'On Duty' or 'Off Duty'.

To ensure compliance with the ELD Mandate, only authenticated drivers can make direct duty status changes on their own logbook. Any system external to the Samsara Driver App using this endpoint to trigger duty status changes must ensure that such changes are only triggered directly by the driver in question and that the driver has been properly authenticated. This endpoint should not be used to algorithmically trigger duty status changes nor should it be used by personnel besides the driver to trigger duty status changes on the driver’s behalf. Carriers and their drivers are ultimately responsible for maintaining accurate logs and should confirm that their use of the endpoint is compliant with the ELD Mandate.

Submit Feedback: Likes, dislikes, and API feature requests should be filed as feedback in our API feedback form. If you encountered an issue or noticed inaccuracies in the API documentation, please submit a case to our support team.

To use this endpoint, select Write ELD Hours of Service (US) under the Compliance category when creating or editing an API token. Learn More.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!