Get all driver HOS violations

Get active Hours of Service violations for the specified drivers.

The day object time range for a violation is defined by the driver's eldDayStartHour. This value is configurable per driver.

The startTime and endTime parameters indicate the datetime range you'd like to retrieve violations for. A violation will be returned if its violationStartTime falls within this datetime range (inclusive of startTime and endTime)

Note: The following are all the violation types with a short explanation about what each of them means: californiaMealbreakMissed (Missed California Meal Break), cycleHoursOn (Cycle Limit), cycleOffHoursAfterOnDutyHours (Cycle 2 Limit), dailyDrivingHours (Daily Driving Limit), dailyOffDutyDeferralAddToDay2Consecutive (Daily Off-Duty Deferral: Add To Day2 Consecutive), dailyOffDutyDeferralNotPartMandatory (Daily Off-Duty Deferral: Not Part Of Mandatory), dailyOffDutyDeferralTwoDayDrivingLimit (Daily Off-Duty Deferral: 2 Day Driving Limit), dailyOffDutyDeferralTwoDayOffDuty (Daily Off-Duty Deferral: 2 Day Off Duty), dailyOffDutyNonResetHours (Daily Off-Duty Time: Non-Reset), dailyOffDutyTotalHours (Daily Off-Duty Time), dailyOnDutyHours (Daily On-Duty Limit), mandatory24HoursOffDuty (24 Hours of Off Duty required), restbreakMissed (Missed Rest Break), shiftDrivingHours (Shift Driving Limit), shiftHours (Shift Duty Limit), shiftOnDutyHours (Shift On-Duty Limit), unsubmittedLogs (Missing Driver Certification)

Rate limit: 5 requests/sec (learn more about rate limits here).

To use this endpoint, select Read ELD Compliance Settings (US) under the Compliance category when creating or editing an API token. Learn More.

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