App Certification Process
Certified apps release schedule
New apps are listed on the Samsara App Marketplace on a monthly basis on the first week of the month.
- For initial app certification, if you complete your live certification review prior to the first week of the next month, you can expect your App will be listed in the upcoming release schedule
- For recertifications, if you submit your certification review the prior to the first week of the next month, you can expect your App will be listed in the upcoming release schedule
Once the app is listed, you may not hear back from Samsara directly; however you can check the App marketplace after the first week of the month to confirm your listing. For questions, reach out to Samsara Support .
Initial app certification
To be considered for Samsara App Marketplace certification you must meet the following criteria:
Complete all fields in App Publisher. A great submission will include:
A well-written Technical Description, which enables the Samsara Support team. Best way to structure this is have each bullet with (a) use case / data flow, (b) API endpoints called, and (c) call frequency. Reminder that this will not be visible to customers and only visible to Samsara.
A link to a Demo of integration that joint customers can view:
Technical and Sales contacts (this will only be available to Samsara)
Promote your app to "Ready for Review"
Confirm that the integration is live with 1+ pilot customer
Submit the App Marketplace certification form
After step 4, you will receive and email from [email protected] for setting up a certification review.
- Be prepared to demo the integration working end-to-end. Live demos are preferred.
- Samsara will validate API traffic for the 1 pilot customer and verify minimum resource scope requirement)
Once certified, we encourage Marketplace partners to cross-list Samsara. If there is a reciprocal partner page where you plan to list Samsara, here is where you can download our logo (please refer to our Marks Usage Agreement to understand the legal terms governing use of the Samsara name and logo).
Certifying a New App Version or Copy Edit
When you create a new app version in Samsara or copy edit the App's listing, Samsara must review and approve the changes before they are published to customers. Fill out the same certification form, select the option for certifying an existing App, and fill out the details of your change.
Updated 3 days ago