Legacy API Tokens
API Tokens created prior to February 2022 are considered Legacy API Tokens and will only have the following two scopes, unless you have manually converted the API token to have Granular Scopes:
- Full Admin access -- this allows the token to access all endpoints
- Read-only Admin access -- this allows the token to access only endpoints that retrieve data (i.e. only GET endpoints)
If you have not manually converted your API token to have Granular Scopes, we highly recommend you do in order to have added security when sharing you API tokens with 3rd Parties

Upgrading Legacy API Tokens to have Granular Scopes
To manually convert an existing API token that does not have Granular Scopes, you can click "Edit", scroll to the bottom, and check the "Convert to Granular Scopes" checkbox and then press "Save". If you click to edit the token again, you will see that it now has the options to more granular scope the token.
- If your scope is Full Admin, we will automatically add all read and write granular scopes
- If your scope is Read-only Admin, we will automatically add a read granular scopes

Updated almost 3 years ago