[Beta] DriverUpdated Event Schema
[Beta] DriverUpdated Webhook Payload
"eventId": "017db07f-6e95-470e-8cc0-a371f9deed2b",
"eventTime": "1970-01-20T06:39:05.683Z",
"eventType": "DriverUpdated",
"orgId": 20936,
"webhookId": "1411751028848270",
"data": {
"driver": {
"attributes": [
"id": "123a",
"name": "JobID",
"numberValues": [
"stringValues": [
"id": "123a",
"name": "JobID",
"numberValues": [
"stringValues": [
"id": "123a",
"name": "JobID",
"numberValues": [
"stringValues": [
"carrierSettings": {
"carrierName": "Acme Inc.",
"dotNumber": 98231,
"homeTerminalAddress": "1234 Pear St., Scranton, PA 62814",
"homeTerminalName": "Acme Inc.",
"mainOfficeAddress": "1234 Pear St., Scranton, PA 62814"
"createdAtTime": "2019-06-20T19:08:25Z",
"currentIdCardCode": "941767043",
"driverActivationStatus": "active",
"eldAdverseWeatherExemptionEnabled": false,
"eldBigDayExemptionEnabled": false,
"eldDayStartHour": 0,
"eldExempt": false,
"eldExemptReason": "Bad driver",
"eldPcEnabled": false,
"eldYmEnabled": false,
"externalIds": {
"payrollId": "ABFS18600"
"id": "45646",
"licenseNumber": "B0BDR1V",
"licenseState": "CA",
"locale": "be",
"name": "Driver Bob",
"notes": "Bob driver notes.",
"phone": "555-0123",
"staticAssignedVehicle": {
"externalIds": {
"maintenanceId": "250020"
"id": "494123",
"name": "Fleet Truck #1"
"tachographCardNumber": "92730000",
"tags": [
"id": "3914",
"name": "East Coast",
"parentTagId": "4815"
"id": "3914",
"name": "East Coast",
"parentTagId": "4815"
"id": "3914",
"name": "East Coast",
"parentTagId": "4815"
"timezone": "America/Los Angeles",
"updatedAtTime": "2019-06-20T19:08:25Z",
"usDriverRulesetOverride": {
"cycle": "California Motion Picture (8/80)",
"restart": "72-hour Restart",
"restbreak": "California Mealbreak (off-duty/sleeper",
"usStateToOverride": "CA"
"username": "driverBob",
"vehicleGroupTag": {
"id": "3914",
"name": "East Coast",
"parentTagId": "4815"
Property Name | Description |
driver object | A driver object |
    attributes     object array | Attributes associated with this entity. |
        id         string | The Samsara ID of the attribute |
        name         string | The name of the attribute |
        numberValues         number array | Number values that are associated with this attribute |
        stringValues         string array | String values that are associated with this attribute |
    carrierSettings     object | Carrier for a given driver. If the driver's carrier differs from the general organization's carrier settings, the override value is used. |
        carrierName         string | Carrier for a given driver. |
        dotNumber         integer | Carrier US DOT Number. If this differs from the general organization's settings, the override value is used. |
        homeTerminalAddress         string | Address of the place of business at which a driver ordinarily reports for work. |
        homeTerminalName         string | Name of the place of business at which a driver ordinarily reports for work. |
        mainOfficeAddress         string | Main office address for a given driver. If this differs from the general organization's settings, the override value is used. |
    createdAtTime     string | The date and time this driver was created in RFC 3339 format. |
    currentIdCardCode     string | The ID Card Code on the back of the physical card assigned to the driver. Contact Samsara if you would like to enable this feature. |
    driverActivationStatus     string | A value indicating whether the driver is active or deactivated. Valid values: active , deactivated . |
    eldAdverseWeatherExemptionEnabled     boolean | Flag indicating this driver may use Adverse Weather exemptions in ELD logs. |
    eldBigDayExemptionEnabled     boolean | Flag indicating this driver may use Big Day exemption in ELD logs. |
    eldDayStartHour     integer | 0 indicating midnight-to-midnight ELD driving hours, 12 to indicate noon-to-noon driving hours. |
    eldExempt     boolean | Flag indicating this driver is exempt from the Electronic Logging Mandate. |
    eldExemptReason     string | Reason that this driver is exempt from the Electronic Logging Mandate (see eldExempt). |
    eldPcEnabled     boolean | Flag indicating this driver may select the Personal Conveyance duty status in ELD logs. |
    eldYmEnabled     boolean | Flag indicating this driver may select the Yard Move duty status in ELD logs. |
    externalIds     object | A map of external ids |
    id     string | ID of the driver |
    licenseNumber     string | Driver's state issued license number. The combination of this number and licenseState must be unique. |
    licenseState     string | Abbreviation of US state, Canadian province, or US territory that issued driver's license. |
    locale     string | Locale override (uncommon). These are specified by ISO 3166-2 country codes for supported locales. Valid values: us, at, be, ca, gb, fr, de, ie, it, lu, mx, nl, es, ch, pr. |
    name     string | Name of the driver |
    notes     string | Notes about the driver |
    phone     string | Phone number of the driver |
    staticAssignedVehicle     object | A minified vehicle object. This object is only returned if the route is assigned to the vehicle. |
        externalIds         object | A map of external ids |
        id         string | ID of the vehicle |
        name         string | Name of the vehicle |
    tachographCardNumber     string | Driver's assigned tachograph card number (Europe specific). |
    tags     object array | The list of tags associated with the Driver. |
        id         string | ID of the tag |
        name         string | Name of the tag. |
        parentTagId         string | If this tag is part a hierarchical tag tree, this is the ID of the parent tag, otherwise this will be omitted. |
    timezone     string | Home terminal timezone, in order to indicate what time zone should be used to calculate the ELD logs. Driver timezones use IANA timezone database keys (e.g. America/Los_Angeles , America/New_York , Europe/London , etc.). You can find a mapping of common timezone formats to IANA timezone keys here. |
    updatedAtTime     string | The date and time this driver was last updated in RFC 3339 format. |
    usDriverRulesetOverride     object | US Driver Ruleset override for a given driver. If the driver is operating under a ruleset different from the organization default, the override is used. If the driver does not have an override ruleset set, the response will not include any usDriverRulesetOverride information. |
        cycle         string | The driver's working cycle. Valid values: USA Property (8/70) , USA Property (7/60) , USA Passenger (8/70) , USA Passenger (7/60) , Alaska Property (8/80) , Alaska Property (7/70) , Alaska Passenger (8/80) , Alaska Passenger (7/70) , California School/FLV (8/80) , California Farm (8/112) , California Property (8/80) , California Flammable Liquid (8/80) , California Passenger (8/80) , California Motion Picture (8/80) , Florida (8/80) , Florida (7/70) , Nebraska (8/80) , Nebraska (7/70) , North Carolina (8/80) , North Carolina (7/70) , Oklahoma (8/70) , Oklahoma (7/60) , Oregon (8/80) , Oregon (7/70) , South Carolina (8/80) , South Carolina (7/70) , Texas (7/70) , Wisconsin (8/80) , Wisconsin (7/70) . |
        restart         string | Amount of time necessary for the driver to be resting in order to restart their cycle. Valid values: 34-hour Restart , 24-hour Restart , 36-hour Restart , 72-hour Restart , None . |
        restbreak         string | The restbreak required for this driver. Valid values: Property (off-duty/sleeper) , California Mealbreak (off-duty/sleeper) , None . |
        usStateToOverride         string | The jurisdiction of the ruleset applied to this driver. These are specified by either the ISO 3166-2 postal code for the supported US states, or empty string '' for US Federal Ruleset jurisdiction. Valid values: `, AK, CA, FL, NE, NC, OK, OR, SC, TX, WI`. |
    username     string | Driver's login username into the driver app. The username may not contain spaces or the '@' symbol. The username must be unique. |
    vehicleGroupTag     object | A minified tag object |
        id         string | ID of the tag |
        name         string | Name of the tag. |
        parentTagId         string | If this tag is part a hierarchical tag tree, this is the ID of the parent tag, otherwise this will be omitted. |
Updated 11 days ago