
Create and manage forms that drivers fill out in the Samsara Driver App


Samsara Documents are custom forms that drivers can fill out in the Samsara Driver App. Fleet Administrators can manage documents and create custom document templates (called Document Types) in the Samsara Dashboard. Please see the Documents knowledge base article to understand how Documents work in the Samsara Dashboard and Driver App.

Here are the main tasks associated with Samsara's Documents API:

See below for details on Document Types and the Document Object.

Document Types

Document Types are templates that describe the structure of documents for drivers to fill out in the Driver App. For example, an organization might have an Accident document type, a Bill of Lading document type, a Citation document type, and many more.


Document Types are managed in the Samsara Dashboard. Fleet managers can use out-of-the-box document types provided by Samsara, or they can define their own custom document types by defining the fields that make up that type of document.


Retrieve document types via API

The Fetch document types API pulls all available documents types for your organization.

curl --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <<token>>'
    "documentTypes": [
            "orgId": 53729,
            "uuid": "c3d04f1c-18f8-45fe-8c23-8f40f83851e0",
            "name": "Stop Tasks",
            "fieldTypes": [...]

Document Type Object:

orgIdThe ID of the organization that created the document type. (Will always be the organization that the API token has access to).
uuidThe universal identifier of the document type.
nameName of the document type. E.g., "Accident", "Bill of Lading", etc.
fieldTypesThe fields that make up the document. E.g., "Load #", "Did you drop the trailer?", etc. This will include conditional fields.
conditionalFieldSectionsA description of which fields trigger conditional fields

Field Types

The fieldTypes array lists the fields that make up the document type. For example, you may have a string field named Load # and a multiple choice field named Did you drop the trailer?.

Fleet administrators can define the fields in the Samsara Dashboard.

Each field will have:

  • A label which is the name of the field in the document.
  • A valueType which describes the type of this field. The available types that a field can have are:
    • ValueType_Number
    • ValueType_String
    • ValueType_Photo
    • ValueType_MultipleChoice
    • ValueType_DateTime
    • ValueType_Signature
  • Potential metadata depending on the value type:
    • numberValueTypeMetadata - describes the number of decimals a numeric field can have
    • multipleChoiceValueTypeMetadata - describes the options of a multiple choice field
    • signatureValueTypeMetadata - provides legal text associated with the signature

Conditional Fields

When defining the document type, an admin can create conditional fields that appear only when the driver selects a certain multiple-choice option. In the example below, the "Photo of trailer" field only appears if the driver selects "Yes" to the multiple-choice question. If the driver selects "No", the signature field is presented instead.


Conditional Fields

The definitions of the conditional fields are listed in the fieldTypes array along with the all the other standard fields. The conditionalFieldSections array lists the set of conditions that can trigger conditional fields.

"conditionalFieldSections": [
        "triggeringFieldIndex": 1,
        "triggeringFieldValue": "Yes",
        "conditionalFieldFirstIndex": 2,
        "conditionalFieldLastIndex": 2
        "triggeringFieldIndex": 1,
        "triggeringFieldValue": "No",
        "conditionalFieldFirstIndex": 3,
        "conditionalFieldLastIndex": 3

Each entry in the conditionalFieldSections array describes a condition and a section of fields that are triggered by that condition.

In the example above, there are two conditions: selecting "Yes" on the field with index 1, and selecting "No" on the field with index 1.

The triggeringFieldIndex indicates which field triggers the condition. The fieldTypes array is 0-indexed, meaning index 0 refers to the first field in the array.

The triggeringFieldValue indicates which multiple-choice value must be selected in order to trigger the condition.

Finally, the conditionalFieldFirstIndex and conditionalFieldLastIndex describe the section of the fieldsArray that is activated by the condition.


Let's take a Document Type that looks like this:


Custom Document Type in the Samsara Dashboard

A call to the document types API will retrieve this document type (and any others that might be in the organization).

curl --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <<token>>'
    "documentTypes": [
            "orgId": 53729,
            "uuid": "c3d04f1c-18f8-45fe-8c23-8f40f83851e0",
            "name": "Stop Tasks",
            "fieldTypes": [
                    "label": "Load #",
                    "valueType": "ValueType_String"
                    "label": "Did you drop the trailer?",
                    "valueType": "ValueType_MultipleChoice",
                    "multipleChoiceValueTypeMetadata": {
                        "multipleChoiceOptionLabels": [
                                "label": "Yes"
                                "label": "No"
                    "label": "Location of trailer",
                    "valueType": "ValueType_String"
                    "label": "Photo of trailer",
                    "valueType": "ValueType_Photo"
                    "label": "I verify that there was no trailer to drop.",
                    "valueType": "ValueType_Signature",
                    "signatureValueTypeMetadata": {
                        "legalText": "I consent on behalf of myself and my employer to using electronic signatures in this transaction. I understand that I can request a copy of the signed documentation from the party requesting my signature."
                    "label": "# of pieces",
                    "valueType": "ValueType_Number",
                    "numberValueTypeMetadata": {
                        "numDecimalPlaces": 0
                    "label": "Time unloaded",
                    "valueType": "ValueType_DateTime"
                    "label": "Unload Picture",
                    "valueType": "ValueType_Photo"
                    "label": "Consignee",
                    "valueType": "ValueType_Signature",
                    "signatureValueTypeMetadata": {
                        "legalText": "I consent on behalf of myself and my employer to using electronic signatures in this transaction. I understand that I can request a copy of the signed documentation from the party requesting my signature."
            "conditionalFieldSections": [
                    "triggeringFieldIndex": 1,
                    "triggeringFieldValue": "Yes",
                    "conditionalFieldFirstIndex": 2,
                    "conditionalFieldLastIndex": 3
                    "triggeringFieldIndex": 1,
                    "triggeringFieldValue": "No",
                    "conditionalFieldFirstIndex": 4,
                    "conditionalFieldLastIndex": 4


Documents are specific instances of a given document type. They are either created in the Driver App or via API. See Creating Documents for a guide on how to create documents via API.

Retrieve documents via API

Documents can be retrieved by one of the following API endpoints:

Document Object

orgIdThe ID of the organization this document belongs to. (Will always be the organization the API token has access to.)
driverIdThe ID of the driver that submitted the document.
idThe document's ID.
driverCreatedAtMsThe Unix UTC timestamp in milliseconds of when the document was created in the Driver App.
serverCreatedAtMsThe Unix UTC timestamp in milliseconds of when the document was uploaded to the Samsara server.
serverUpdatedAtMsThe Unix UTC timestamp in milliseconds of when the document was last updated (and reflected on the Samsara server).
dispatchJobIdThe ID of a route stop this document is associated with. See Creating Stop Tasks and Capture Task Completion for more details.
stateValid values: Required, Submitted, Archived. Required documents are pre-populated documents for the Driver to fill out in the Driver App and have not yet been submitted. Submitted documents have been submitted by the driver in the Driver App or on behalf of the driver via API. Archived documents have been archived by the admin in the cloud dashboard.
documentTypeThe name of the Document Type for this document.
vehicleIdThe ID of the vehicle that the driver had selected in the Driver App when the document was submitted.
fieldsThe fields and values for the document.
nameThe name that the driver provided for this document.

See the Fetches a document API docs for full details.


The fields array of the document contains all the fields and their values. The structure of these fields is defined by the document's Document Type.

All fields have the following properties:

  • label - This is the same as the label defined by the given document type. For example, "Load #", "Did you drop the trailer?", etc.
  • valueType - This is the type of the field as defined by the given document type. Valid values include:
    • ValueType_String
    • ValueType_MultipleChoice
    • ValueType_Number
    • ValueType_DateTime
    • ValueType_Photos
    • ValueType_Signature
  • The actual value for the field. This name of this property depends on the field's value type: e.g. stringValue, multipleChoiceValue, etc. See below for details.
  • value - This property is deprecated. It will match the property that is specific to the field's value type.

String Fields


  "label": "Load #",
  "valueType": "ValueType_String", 
  "stringValue": "123ABC",
  "value": "123ABC"

Multiple Choice Fields


  "label": "Did you drop the trailer?",
  "valueType": "ValueType_MultipleChoice",
  "multipleChoiceValue": [
      "value": "Yes",
      "selected": true
      "value": "No",
      "selected": false
  "value": [
      "value": "Yes",
      "selected": true
      "value": "No",
      "selected": false

The multipleChoiceValue property is an array representing which option of the multiple-choice field is selected.

The options are described by the multipleChoiceValueTypeMetadata in the document's Document Type.

An option's value is the name of that option, and selected indicates whether that option is selected. (values map to labels in the multipleChoiceValueTypeMetadata).

Number Fields


  "label": "# of pieces",
  "valueType": "ValueType_Number", 
  "numberValue": 12,
  "value": 12

The number of decimal places supported by the field is described by the numberValueTypeMetadata in the document's Document Type.

Datetime Fields


  "label": "Time unloaded",
  "valueType": "ValueType_DateTime", 
  "dateTimeValue": {
    "dateTimeMs": 1593643324000
  "value": {
    "dateTimeMs": 1593643324000

dateTimeMs is measured in the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch in UTC.

Photo Fields


  "label": "Unload Picture",
  "valueType": "ValueType_Photo",
  "photoValue": [
      "url": ""
  "value": [
      "url": ""

The photoValue will be an array of photos, each containing a url to the photo uploaded by the driver. The URLs expire after 24 hours, but you may retrieve the document again to get new URLs.

Signature Fields

Signatures cannot be submitted via the API. The value for a signature field must be left blank. Example:

  "label": "Consignee",
  "valueType": "ValueType_Signature",
  "signatureValue": {
    "name": "Tyler Freckmann",
    "signedAtMs": 1593713506446,
    "url": ""
  "value": {
    "name": "Tyler Freckmann",
    "signedAtMs": 1593713506446,
    "url": ""

The signatureValue will contain the name of the signature, the time of the signature measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch in UTC, and a URL to PNG version of the signature. This URL expires after 24 hours, but you may retrieve the document again to get a new URL.